C# Name Team Address
8*Max Behara[Can] Lauda-Mercedes
9 David Greene[Aus] Bridgestone-Honda
25 Richard Jones ***-????
27*Guanyao Cheng Ferrari-Ferrari*
28 Heru Anggono Hariati[Aus] Ferrari-Ferrari
33 Eryc Suter Annubis-Lamborghini
*=Please a different name or #
????=I don't your engine name, send it ASAP.
If there is any info here that is wrong, please send me the
ASAP. If you're not on this list and wish to compete, send your info to
me ASAP.
All results and info will be posted in the LF3000 in the Pits for AOL
drivers. Inet drivers will receive everything via email, thus I need your
email address to put on my mailing list so you can receive the info.
Note that drivers may compete on both levels, as long as you observe
the rules for each level.
Steve Wilson
LF3000 Director
PS-Congrats to Jeff Gordon for winning the Brickyard 400! What a race!
Way to go Jeff!