> > You can view a slideshow with AMAZING screenshots from GPL at the
> > Track Database at http://magnust.d2g.com
> marvelous! that would make a great screen saver :-)
You can download this slideshow thing at Racesimcentral as a zip. AND
if you're on WinXP you have a built in slideshow screensaver so you
just point the settings of that screensaver to the directory
containing all the screenshots from the unpacked zip. Take ONE guess
what my screensaver at work looks like :D
Magnus T
I've been thinking about this for a very very long time and finally
got around to experiment (thanks to some help from Guru and MadCowie).
What I did was to use the concept of snowing (at snowitude, Wow what a
breakthrough THAT was!) and change the snow mips to mips with small
gray dots being almost fully TRANSPARANT but not 100%. It works VERY
nicely. My current problem is I don't know how to edit the 3do to make
the rain fall faster (the snow falls slooooow)
But I've made some very light rain which works fine even when falling
this slow. I also have ready some REALLY heavy rain that looks GREAT
but that MUST fall faster. So waiting to learn to fix falling speed
Now, I think you know that Mark Beckman has made three tracks with
slippery wet surfaces. And they most definitely work VERY well too
(try the wet Nrburgring!! It's SO cool... and hard, hehe!)! So add
these two things together and we could have wet slippery tracks with
rain falling! I'm pretty confident you can change the dust and dirt
clouds to wet spray too.... And ANY add-on track can be converted to
rain by the authors of the track!
Just unzip the included mips into your Snowitude folder to get a very
slight drizzle of rain. And pleeeeeze come back with comments on it
/Magnus T
- - - - GPL Track Database - - - http://magnust.d2g.com - - - -