begin 644 N2NO_CD.ZIP
begin 644 N2NO_CD.ZIP
I hope you get busted for this crap,
I think you'l find most people don't appreciate this kind of thing.
Don Burnette
Music City Racing
P.S. Kill Yourself.
Yeah....89 bucks.....and *still* 89 bucks.....but worth it, I guess...for
the peace of mind...
But I don't like to have anything installed on my sys. without the discs to
recover from problems.... and for those times when I get P'O'd and
reformatt my entire hard drive /u ...LOL (only twice last year, I'm
getting lazy, and don't like re-installing things)
> Hmm, and I fail to get e***d about paying more for my games because of
> people who pirate them. I don't blame a game producer for putting this
> option in at all. But then again, I'm one of those guys who had access to a
> win95 upgrade cd, but went out and bought my own copy when I upgraded.
IVGA 4924 ~~pulling for #8 in 1998 ! :)~~
ICQ 3551448 GOoooo #3 !!
C_Watkins on TEN
Hmm, and I fail to get e***d about paying more for my games because of
people who pirate them. I don't blame a game producer for putting this
option in at all. But then again, I'm one of those guys who had access to a
win95 upgrade cd, but went out and bought my own copy when I upgraded.
Don Burnette
Music City Racing
Dburn on Ten
I can't help but think that presenters of this piracy vs. software
cost argument either have some ulterior motive or have been
brainwashed. The software companies already charge as much as they
think they can get away with. They know that jacking their prices up
would cause a greater number of people not to buy or to pirate their
software, thus having a negative effect on their profits. The number
of people currently pirating the software have been figured into the
Programming in "options" designed to fight piracy more often hurt
legal owners than pirates. Anyone intent on pirating a game can do so
if he/she puts his/her mind to it. The anti-piracy features are
always cracked by someone. I struggle to think of one game which has
not been cracked. Hence, all the pirates get to play anyway. Which
people don't use the crack and are thus inconvenienced? All the
honest people who bought the game.
heheh you guys are cute :)
kill yourself hehehehehe i like that :)
> >I hope you get busted for this crap,
> I don't know about you, but I fail to get off on putting the CD in the
> CD-ROM drive each time I wish to play multi. I don't care too much
> when software companies *** those who pay for their software. If
> there is a workaround, I shall use it with glee.
> Blight
> P.S. Kill Yourself.
The other groups you posted it to were appropriate, is not. While you personally may not be into
piracy and own the game, posting such files helps others to pirate the
software and that causes problems for those on
If you must post the files then please restrict it to the newsgroups
dedicated to that sort of thing, that way those who want the files can
find them, and you don't cause problems for us on r.a.s.
Death is fun.
> And since when do you speak for "most" people..since there's something
> like 5 billion people on this earth.. i doubt you even "know" "most" of
> them let alone were appointed to be spokesman for "most" of them..
as far
Yeah, if you think about it, if 1 of 10 copies of a program were
that would mean you'd have 10% less sales, which would mean you'd have
divide your developement and marketing cost by a lower number, which
mean you'd have to charge a percentage more for each copy... Hey, wait
a minute,
it does make a difference!
puhleeeeeeeeze...wake up and smell the coffee o' gullible
You wouldn't be running Windows 95 would you? If so, you're a
hippocrite. Vote
with your wallet, toss ALL your MS products, and buy something decent.
that YOU like and believe to be a fair deal.
you'd be able to call tech support and actually speak to
You probably could if there weren't thousands of people out there who
jump for the
phone at the first difficulty instead or actually reading the
documentation that
came with their product.
or if your CD got stolen or broken they'd
And certainly NO one would take advantage of that and (gasp) LIE about
their CD being
stolen, just to get another copy. That would be like using no-CD
software cracks, for
God's sake. Now who would do that? Seems like you could use a whiff of
that coffee
and Bill "screw the
But it's a public that obviously WANTS to be screwed, otherwise he'd be
broke! Once again,
if you feel you're being hosed, vote with your wallet.
because like everything else in this world pal...EVERYTHING
Most things today are about money. So why don't you take a powder and
pony up some of yours for software. If you just can't bring yourself to
do that, then at least have enough class not to advertise for a crack
on a newgroup. Mr. Burnette is, in my humble opinion, correct.
> > I think you'l find most people don't appreciate this kind of thing.
> > --
> > Don Burnette
> > Music City Racing
Pricing? Who the heck mentioned pricing?
We _do_not_want_ talk about cracks or warez on
The reason has nothing to do with price. It is purely and simply
because developers participate here, and a few fools ramming warez
down their throat forces them to leave.
No-one is saying don't post cracks, obviously you're going to do that
anyway. Of course it probably won't have any effect on price in any
case. What it _will_ affect is how much revenue the software company
gets, and that in turn affects whether they satay in business to make
more stuff for you to rip off in future, and how much money they have
available to spend on developing something good. The next time you
complain about a lack of good software - think about it.
So, please keep it to the cracks groups. Have your fun, and don't
spoil ours.
>> And since when do you speak for "most" people..since there's something
>> like 5 billion people on this earth.. i doubt you even "know" "most" of
>> them let alone were appointed to be spokesman for "most" of them..
>However you, apparently, qualify.
>as far
>> as the prices software companies charge being high because of pirates
>> and crackers..
>Yeah, if you think about it, if 1 of 10 copies of a program were
>that would mean you'd have 10% less sales, which would mean you'd have
>divide your developement and marketing cost by a lower number, which
>mean you'd have to charge a percentage more for each copy... Hey, wait
>a minute,
>it does make a difference!
>> > I think you'l find most people don't appreciate this kind of thing.
>> > --
>> > Don Burnette
>> > Music City Racing