without much luck. His machine is an o/c'd Celeron at 450 with a Voodoo
3-3000 and T2 wheel, internal USR 28.8 modem and no network card. GPL
and everything else has been working fine on his computer for about a
year, now everything works fine EXCEPT GPL.
Here are the steps taken to get where we are:
1) GPL v1.1 works fine for months
2) Prepare for v1.2 by uninstalling and emptying the rest of the junk
that didn't get uninstalled out of GPL folder
3) Reinstall v1.0 then patch to v1.1 then to v1.2 (no add-ons used
during this testing)
4) Game boots slowly and menus are slow with the track selection menu
taking 20 to 30 secs after hitting the selection arrow
5) When he gets to track (finally) he can drive with 36fps at 1024x768
6) He tries a modem-to-modem connection with me in which we use with
the "assumedModemConnect" thingy in the core.ini that we have used
successfully for months (yes it is named properly i.e. not
core.ini.sample) and he gets disco'd immediately everytime
7) We decide that his GPL is hosed due to the sluggishness and he does
another clean reinstall to v1.0
8) Now, trying just v1.0 clean, the game won't start for several
minutes: brief Windows hourglass then back to the desktop, GPL can be
seen in the task manager, attempting to start with the rest of Windows
functionality sluggish. GPL finally comes up with the menus being
impossibly slow (minutes to go between)
9) Tried another clean install with MY GPL CD and the same problem.
Not the CD.
10) Tried GP500 and Falcon 4.0 (in glide mode) both of which are
installed on the same hard disk (1 gig free) as GPL and they work
flawlessly. The Voodoo 3 seems to be fine.
11) Tried logging onto the internet first, then starting the game. No
difference (thought it might be a weird modem checking problem on
12) Tried putting glide2x.dll right in the main GPL directory. Splash
screen comes up quicker but the game still takes minutes to start and is
still hosed.
13) Yanked the T2 wheel out and tried again. No difference.
14) Patched back to v1.2 since it supports the V3 better. No
The only thing I can think of is that there is some weird registry
setting somewhere that got screwed up and I need to delete it. Any help
on this would be appreciated since we are one day away from a big GPL
LAN party at my house!
Thanks in advance,