> No driver in his right mind wants to flip. They want to go fast and
> keep all fours on the asphalt. What happens when a car starts
> flipping? You've got one less car competing in the race, with
> potential injuries, maybe even fatal, to the driver. That's the one
> bit of realism we can gladly avoid in sim racing.
> >I do rember that you flip in ICR2 so why buy that if you don't want the
> >flipping? The flipping is more realistic.
> >> I was just wondering whatthe point of buying the NASCAR2 game if you are
> >> just going to play around and try to get the damn thing to flip. I mean,
> >> thats why they made the "Destruction Derby I" and Destruction Derby II"
> >> games!!! BUY THEM OR TRY TO GO FAST IN N2!!! -pointmade, no e-mails on
> >> this one guys!
> Kyle Langston
> ____________________________________________
> IBM #72 Ford Thunderbird - Hurricane Racing
> http://www.traction.git.net/hurricane/
> NASS Series - 1997 - Winsten Cup Division
> http://www.traction.git.net/snrc/
> Inside Online Racing
> http://www.traction.git.net/ior/
Exactly, it is easy enough to flip in an open wheeled car they could if
they wanted to. But that would be a incredibly stupid as you pointed