> I don't know how Toe is measured in GPL. I'll just assume that (if the
> car was a physical car, one that you could touch) If you took a string
> and laid it across the center of the tire horizontally and parallel to
> the center of the car (front to rear), the Toe would be measured as the
> distance from the string to the edge of the wheel..
> |
> |a/-/ \-\
> |/ /---|---\ \
> |- | -
> | |
> | |
> | |
> (hope this graphic displays right)
> Where "a" is is the measuring area. The Left line is the string, then
> there's the +toe tire, Then axle, then Center line of the chassis. Then
> the same thing for the Right hand side. This is one way to measure Toe
> but is it the way GPL measures and displays Toe? If so, then a + or -
> 5.0 Toe would be a very bad setup.
work in the past. How it's measured is you measure from tire centerline
to tire centerline, both at the front & rear of the tire. Half that
distance difference is the amount of toe. Much more accurate, as you
can run across individual wheels with different amounts of toe with your
method, but you must remember that toe tends to equalize when the
vehicle is in motion.
/Chuck Kandler #70
/ChuckK on Won.net & WinVROC
/K&S Racing
/The box said "Windows 0x5f or better", so I installed LINUX!