I haven't seen this information of the net so I figured
I'd share what I discovered. I'll apologize in advance
if this is common knowledge.
In the trackname.TXT file is the following line;
PIT 197870 73033372 84441622 74626450 83206560 500443
27025000 40 73003373 74666448 83206562
The 7th set of numbers (2705000) determines where on the
track the pace car moves from the apron onto the track. It
also determines where the AI cars coming out of the pits move
from the apron onto the track. This seems to be what
determines when the AI cars stop using PIT.LP and start
using the RACE.LP's.
This example is from TALADEGA.TXT. I've changed the number
above to 3705000 and the cars coming out of the pits now move
onto the track quite far down the backstretch. This gives them
a little more time to pick up more speed before they get in my
way. The number can be made a little larger than this but the
AI cars don't react too well to T3 if they are still on the
SCTNS 8 5 3
Has anyone figured out what this is? I noticed the values
here are also stated early in the .TRK file.
I've only just started making stabs into the .TRK file and
have caused myself to 'warp' into the infield so that I can drive
around the RV's and visit the buildings next to the pits. I also
caused my car to seem to hover in the air above T1, (the car was
invisible in F10 and most replay views though). The AI cars don't
seem to mind warping into the infield and warping back out.
I parked between some RV's and watched them merrily drive by.
Does the .TRK file define where on the track the AI and
player car will appear? Does anyone know which file contains
the data defining the track inself, such as this is grass, this
is track and this is a very hard wall?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.