i do not agree the spotter can call 43 pos on th track and not more. other wavs
belong to pitspeed, car number, car position, pace car and so on.
okok, thats a point i dont know the descriptions of a track by heart, cause i
have never been on a real track, i just picked the sounds that looked right for
me, so if the spotter calls out wrong places its not because there was an
programming error by me, i wanted him to call out this.
well it only got a very small map of the indy track so it is possible that the
turns are calculated a bit to short, so the car is still or again in a turn
where spotter thinks its on straight. also possible this mesage is called out
because a car is in the pits, tough i do NOT know how to tell the spotter where
the pits is, if you do please tell me.
again this is not a programming failure this was an individual choice by me.
didnt know that backstretch is so road course specific, cause at phoenix he
calls out the backstretch too.
ok im sorry i overlooked that file cause in the pck file its not listed above
short straight (shrtstr is 31 and shch is 27). and excuse again for not knowing
about right track locations. but if you call both shortstraights as shortchutes
from where do you want to know which one is ment??
again disagree 43 pos on the track, listen to the others, have nothing to do
with pos. the numerical order is assigned as the files are listed in the
sound.dat. as the packing utility is unpacking them in this order you can find
the right order in the sound.pck (tough its NOT alphabetically),till t1.wav is
the first one to be unpacked its assigned to 1 and so on. and as you can hear
in my files it worked with all these numbers. i.e. the front straight (fstr.wav
is assigned to 17, got it??)
and to get the waves played at right location you just need a good map with the
finish line drawn in it. then calculate the lenght (a 2,5mi is 782 long a 1 mi
is 313 long, thats a scale) then calculate the turns and straights and assign
the right waves, well thats it. i think its better to make the turns a bit
longer then calculated then the error mentioned above wouldnt happen: car is
still in turn but called out on straight.
happy editing!
ps: for the nazareth and mlwaukee track.txt i had an more detailed map so
they should work fine. (tough in this files the spotter only calls
pps: i love ppl who keep asking so i have to controll my work more in depth.
thx hammer!
Robert Graf Racing
Cole Trickle - Pepsi Pontiac #50