Motherboard & celeron combo

Guy Leac

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Guy Leac » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00


I have an abit bh6 m/board with a celoron 300A o/c to 450 which is running
I would like to put a faster celery in it and was wondering what is the
fastest processor that this m/board will support?
Thanks for any info.


Remco Moe

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Remco Moe » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>I have an abit bh6 m/board with a celoron 300A o/c to 450 which is running
>I would like to put a faster celery in it and was wondering what is the
>fastest processor that this m/board will support?

Hey Guy,


for a story about the little girl C2 566 and the grandfather BH6...


Chuck Kandle

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Chuck Kandle » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> Hi,

> I have an abit bh6 m/board with a celoron 300A o/c to 450 which is running
> fine.
> I would like to put a faster celery in it and was wondering what is the
> fastest processor that this m/board will support?
> Thanks for any info.

> cya

If your BH6 is a revision 1 board, then with the latest BIOS flash
upgrade it will support up to a 500mhz Celeron or up to a 600mhz in a
Pentium III.  Also will support hard drives up to 40GB.

If your BH6 is a revision 1.1 board, it will support up to a 533mhz
Celeron or a 700 mhz Pentium III along with 40GB hard drive support.
Once again, with the latest BIOS upgrades.

Hope this helps you.

Chuck Kandler  #70
K&S Racing

Competitor in the TopGear MGPRS2 league at:  Come on & join the fun!

They'll call you names
And spit in your face,
But legends never die.   --Gene Simmons

Martyn Danb

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Martyn Danb » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Think a 533 celery, the 8x multiplier prevents u from going faster at
least at 66 mhz FSB


> Hi,

> I have an abit bh6 m/board with a celoron 300A o/c to 450 which is running
> fine.
> I would like to put a faster celery in it and was wondering what is the
> fastest processor that this m/board will support?
> Thanks for any info.

> cya


Motherboard & celeron combo

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00


Hey Chuck -
Is there a good local place to buy Abit or Asus boards from?  I'm TOTALLY
pissed at the Intel that I have...long story.
Also, the VGA that's built in will only do 16 colors at 640x480.  What's up
with THAT?  Total waste...<sigh>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Dave Henri

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Dave Henri » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

  never ever ever buy a mb that has built in Vid or sound.  DON'T!
Just stop thinking about that...
dave(no onboard Moboards) henrie

> writes:

> >If your BH6 is a revision 1 board, then with the latest BIOS flash
> >upgrade it will support up to a 500mhz Celeron or up to a 600mhz in a
> >Pentium III.  Also will support hard drives up to 40GB.

> >If your BH6 is a revision 1.1 board, it will support up to a 533mhz
> >Celeron or a 700 mhz Pentium III along with 40GB hard drive support.
> >Once again, with the latest BIOS upgrades.

> >Hope this helps you.

> >--
> >Chuck Kandler  #70
> >K&S Racing
> >

> Hey Chuck -
> Is there a good local place to buy Abit or Asus boards from?  I'm TOTALLY
> pissed at the Intel that I have...long story.
> Also, the VGA that's built in will only do 16 colors at 640x480.  What's up
> with THAT?  Total waste...<sigh>

> Eldred
> --
> Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
> Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

> Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Chuck Kandle

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Chuck Kandle » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

>   never ever ever buy a mb that has built in Vid or sound.  DON'T!
> Just stop thinking about that...

I'll second that one.  Big mistake.....

Chuck Kandler  #70
K&S Racing

Competitor in the TopGear MGPRS2 league at:  Come on & join the fun!

They'll call you names
And spit in your face,
But legends never die.   --Gene Simmons

Brett C. Camma

Motherboard & celeron combo

by Brett C. Camma » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

>  never ever ever buy a mb that has built in Vid or sound.  DON'T!
>Just stop thinking about that...
>dave(no onboard Moboards) henrie

Wish I'd discovered GPL *before* I bought a motherboard such as you
describe.  I'm scrimping and saving now for an Abit BE6-II right now.
You are so correct!

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL


Motherboard & celeron combo

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00


>>   never ever ever buy a mb that has built in Vid or sound.  DON'T!
>> Just stop thinking about that...

>I'll second that one.  Big mistake.....

BELIEVE me, I didn't realize that when I bought it... :(

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Motherboard & celeron combo

by Mark » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

I agree, but make sure it's a 533a fc-pga, they
run at 800 with 100 mhz FSB.
I got the ppga (DOH!).


from going faster at

> least at 66 mhz FSB

> Md

> > Hi,

> > I have an abit bh6 m/board with a celoron 300A

o/c to 450 which is running
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