My thoughts to everyone who has loved ones in combat roles, on both sides.
Steve Whitty
My thoughts to everyone who has loved ones in combat roles, on both sides.
Steve Whitty
Yes, God help us all. And that goes double if you're sitting there in your
T-72 and see an M1 rolling your way.
>> God help us all
> Yes, God help us all. And that goes double if you're sitting there in
> your T-72 and see an M1 rolling your way.
> >> God help us all
> > Yes, God help us all. And that goes double if you're sitting there in
> > your T-72 and see an M1 rolling your way.
> If you are IN a T-72 and you SEE an M1a1 rolling your way...then look
> for your are already dead.
> dave henrie
M1's, T72s and Cup Cars could all be classified as tanks of one sort or
another - it could be a close run thing
Going on the usual crash fests that pass for Nascar races - I'd say the M1
could win thru durability
You losers need a serious reality check.
You need a sense of humour check
Why don't you point me in the direction of the humour, funny guy ?
sorry, couldn't help myself
now that is FUNNY!, lmao
Now that's just bizarre.
Funny, though.
> > how bout ?
> > sorry, couldn't help myself
> Now that's just bizarre.
> Funny, though.
The only thing clear is your inability to string two words together
Mitch_A ? "A" stands for arsehole ?
>> If you are IN a T-72 and you SEE an M1a1 rolling your way...then look
>> for your are already dead.
>> dave henrie
>Neat little true story about what happens when 3 Iraqi t-72's stumble upon a
>poor stranded M1. Read how the last t-72 went to be with Allah.