<<I'm looking forward to polite disagreement.>>
I think the "dream sequence" scenario, describing playing CPR as
transporting the player to a state of ecstatically profound "racing
environment" verisimilitude, was inevitably destined to draw humorous
parodies -- and there's no doubt the humor around these parts tends to
be heavy-handed. I think that the point being made, however unsubtly,
was an excellent one, and the core of the problem: many people's
experience of CPR is the polar opposite of the dream state described.
CPR is so herky-jerky and unrealistic in areas like AI and framerate
that the very essence of enjoying a sim -- that moment known in drama as
"willing suspension of disbelief" -- is never achieved. It's difficult
to immerse oneself in a simulation that constantly reminds the player,
by its very inability to "simulate" a realistic experience, that you are
sitting in front of a high-priced TV monitor, and not at the wheel of a
REALLY high-priced racing car...
Whether the vehemence of the arguments is over the top or not, the very
simple question remains unanswered: Is CPR going to be fixed in this
version? If not, one can only assume that the comments solicited a month
ago by Mr. Lester were for some other purpose -- they certainly weren't
for the purpose of satisfying the majority of voices in this NG who
STILL don't think CPR works as advertised. The only other purpose that
seems a reasonable deduction is that MS plans on releasing a version 2
of CPR, and they expect people to pay for the game all over again,
rather than fixing the one they've already sold. If this is the case,
that doesn't seem fair, does it? If it isn't the case, Microsoft has had
every opportunity to say so -- but they have said nothing.
As politely as I can, let me ask: What do YOU make of this situation?
Bart Brown