If you like this kind of serious GPL discussions, the VrocF2 Egroup is a
great source of information.
The url is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vroc-f2/
and I think even avid "F1 only" drivers can learn a lot by browsing the
discussions there.
At the JC's website we are trying to build a article vault with "the best
of...." articles,
mainly from stuff previously posted at the VrocF2 Egroup... but if any of
you guys have something interesting (GPL related :)in writing feel free to
mail me the stuff and ask me to make an article out of it.
Mikkel Gram-Hansen
hehe and http://jc.simracing.dk
> >On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 18:54:34 +0200, "Lasse Gram-Hansen"
> Eldred et all, on this site is also a very interesting article:
> http://jc.simracing.dk/articles/article_1.htm
> Andre