Motocross madness...


Motocross madness...

by CombatWomba » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Seeing as i havn't been able to find a newsgroup "rec.2.wheels.simulators" i
figured i would post this here.
Ok, I recently aquired Microsoft Motocross Madness.  Everything works great
up intil the end of the race when my comp crashes with no error, it just
freezes and even good ol' ctrl-alt-del can't revive it.  I had the demo and
it only did this once (first time i played) the rest were fine.  Now that i
have the full game it crashes everytime.  I am using a Monster3d (1) for my
3D.  I also tried the game with my GBlaster 3D and although it runs about as
smooth as 60 grit sand paper, it didn't crash.  So this leads me to believe
it is a prob with the setup of my monster.  Here are the version #'s ect....

glide.dll         2.1.1
glide2x.dll     2.43
glide2x.ovl    2.43
sst1init.dll      Init Code $Revision..........

Does anyone out there have a suggestion, or have i once again been

Kill one and your a ***er, kill many and your a conqueror, kill em all
and your a god.........
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Rick Mille

Motocross madness...

by Rick Mille » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

    I don't know that this is the problem, but my runs fine with the same
card but I'm running newer drivers (had them longer than the game so I don't
know that this is it).  Just go to and download the newest generic
3dfx voodoo reference drivers, it'll give you glide 2.46 and newer versions
of the directx drivers (which I belive is what MCM uses).  Also I run Direct
X 6 (try this last as I understand that it is problems for some people.

Hope I helped,
Rick Miller
Arrowhed12 on TEN
Arrowhead12 on the Zone


Motocross madness...

by CombatWomba » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I already downloaded the newer drivers but i can't figure out how to change
them.  In the directions it says to go to the device manager click the
monster and click the file version tab......where is this illusive tab?
Should i just remove the device and use the new drivers when windows prompts
me for the disk?  Thanx again!
Rick Mille

Motocross madness...

by Rick Mille » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

    Ok, here is probably a bad explanation but here it goes.

    Right click on My computer and click properties.  Go to the device
manager tab.  Go down to Sound and game controllers and expand it.  Double
click on the monster card.  Go to the driver tab.  Click the update driver
button.  Then point it to the folder where you unzipped the drivers when you
downloaded them.  That, and a restart for good measure should do it.

    Let me know if you get it or have any problems

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