At 5am Friday morning I was awaken to see the most frightening thing I've
ever witnessed in my life.
My 5yo Male Golden, Dakota, was having a full-blown epileptic seizure. I
won't even try to describe what went on as it's just too damned scary.
The whole thing lasted about 2 minutes. It felt like an hour. I had no
idea what the hell was going on, and no idea what to do. So, I just held on
to him to make sure he didn't hurt himself.
After it was over, he was groggy for about 5 minutes, and was then
completely normal.
With the exception of an annoying, re-occuring right-ear infection, and a
couple of food alergy issues, he's been in perfect health.
To the best of my knowledge, this was his first, though he's alone at home
with the other Golden, Comet, during the day so if it occured then I
wouldn't know about it.
He went to the vet that morning, and other than his typical ear problem, he
was totally fine. They did a full set of *** tests, and the results came
back today perfectly normal.
At this time, there is no explanation as to why it happened. Worse yet, I
was told they usually never do find out why it happens, and can't predict if
it ever will happen again.
Even worse, I'm told this isn't entirely unusual, especially in Goldens,
Shepards, Labs, and other large-breed dogs.
The ONLY comfort I got out of the vet visit is that I was assured he never
felt a thing.
They wrote him a prescription for Valiums Suppositories (which are proving
impossible to get filled) to keep around if it ever happens again.
Apparantly, Valium can stop a seizure in it's tracks.
I'm told that it doesn't get super-serious unless the seizures last more
than 5 minutes. Right...... 5 minutes of seeing that, and _I_ will have to
sit on one of those Valiums!!!
Anyone else ever had to deal with this ?