to get through, does any one know if they reply to emails.
I love TOCA and CMR but will never buy another Codemasters game again
purely due to their very very poor support.
The sad thing is they don't care either. I had a Rendition V2100 vid
card which along with the rest of my PC met the "Recommended"
requirements. Not just the minimum. When I complained that the game
would only run at 512x384 with low graphics quality they finally
replied and said they had no plans to support Rendition cards at all.
I pointed out the game setup had a Rendition option so they must
support it and they refused to reply to my queries from then on.
Codemasters games = Fun
Codemasters Support = Headaches, falso info and the eventual need
to return the game if you can't figure out
the problem on your own.
On Sat, 02 Jan 1999 18:19:53 +0000, paul olivier