On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 16:03:24 -0500, "Mitch Wing \(PlowBoy\)"
>Why not just run what works? I run Open gl, it is usually more FPS...
>ti4600 128, is my card. anywho, might see if there is a vertical sync
>setting in direct x? I don't know.
Update: Turns out, antialiasing in Direct3D was the culprit. I was
trying to use the "Quincunx" setting in CFS3, and got the same kind of
garbled screens as I was getting in N2K3. When I turned the D3D
antialiasing to "Application," the CFS3 problem went away....I
thought, "hmmm..." and, sure enough, the N2K3 problem was gone too!
Even so, I think I'm gonna take Mitch Wing's suggestion and just run
in Open GL...works better! :)