that Papy let out N3???Make some money on GP3 and then six months down
the line when GP4 comes out we could get the physics model that
everyone was expecting.Papy did it with N3 and gave the
reason---hardware not up to it.Hey its just more money for them since
we all know that many people purchased N3(even though it was a
cosmetic enhancment)and many people will buy N4.What if GP3's graphics
were purposely cut back for the sole purpose of a big advancement when
GP4 arrives.I saw pics of GP3 a month before the warez hit R.A.S and
it looked phenomeno!!I heard that they were doing a major sound
upgrade with them going to the races for real samples.Could it be that
when they announced that there will be many upgrades to the GP line
that they meant that in a yrs time the real GP3 will have arrived?????
Who knows what GP4 has in store for us.Now I hope this doesnt get
everyone back on the GC wagan again but this could happen.
PS:sorry if I am wrong and have gotten everyones hopes up.