If you have a Cyrix chip you are NOT worth anything according to PAPY.
It seems that you had to download a 686 fix for N2 ---- now the deo
won't work with a Cyrix ------- I don't understand it.
Another thing -------- I have always had better luck running the sims
in the DOS mode ----------
-------- that goes for N2 -------- ICR2 ------------ and GP2
--------- and they worked beautifully. It seems someone at PAPY would
wake up and smell coffee when after the two major disasters that just
"hit" the shelves ---------
----------- Road to Indy --------- and MS CART ----------- that in
GPL we would at least have an option to run the sim in DOS mode.
It makes sense to me --------- but -------- prhaps they are getting a
bit of a kickback from the computer manufacturers to make sure that if
YOU are going to run the sim -------- you have to UPGRADE to
supernova explosion videoboard -------- 14 Karat GOLD PEDALS AND
WHEEL CONBO ------------ TWO ---- that is right ------ TWo PAPYRUS
rearview mirrors that connect into the BLASTASS port so you can see
your front door of the home. FULL NOMEX ------- FULL FACE HELMET
----- and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ............
If this sounds rediculous ------ it is ----------- but consider what
is taking place here -----------
It is getting MORE rediculous EVERY DAY ------
THE CONSUMER is being forgotten by the manufacturer -------- they are
so busy pumping their egos and producing something that really has no
merit, and so sophisticated that you damn near have to get sponsorship
from PENSKE to update your system to run the damned things.
I am close to saying***THIS ------------ and NOT BUYING ANYTHING
IF the manufacturers can't make something I can enjoy without spending
a ton of money EVERY YEAR -------- just to keep up -------- it is NOT
AS YOU SAY this is just a sim ---------------
BUt if enough people say this and say enough is enough ------ you
watch how fast these things are more runable and enjoyable to us all
in the long run without having to resort to a life of crime to afford
the damned computer upgrades
Some of us have families to support first