Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

On Sun, 14 May 2000 21:45:08 -0700, Brian Jackson

>> But still... the fact remains that the *required* impact
>> standards for each series are remarkably similar. Saying
>> that CART cars must be stronger just because they are
>> heavier is simply wrong.

>I don't believe I said that. It's certainly not what I meant.

"F1 cars are much lighter and, as a result, are less likely to
withstand direct impacts."

It may "stand to reason", but it doesn't stand up to logical scrutiny.
The only way to determine the relative crashworthiness of the cars is
to look at the impact tests they are required to pass. That shows that
F1 cars and CART cars are required to meet similar standards.

It is, however, far more compelling an argument than "because I think
CART cars must be stronger"...

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

>  Yet I've seen on the Tube several interviews over the years by
>F1 bigwigs ie Williams, and Dennis, and while this is anecdoctal, they
>all basically said the F1 car would have to be structurally improved to
>run safely on ovals.

There is a case to be made that CART cars should be structurally
improved to run safely on ovals...

And, it could be that they were talking about needing to strengthen
wheel attachments and suspension components to cope with the extra
wheel-banging that happens on ovals. That's got nothing to do with

That is more likely to be because of the almost total reliance on
wing-generated downforce, rather than the underbody downforce of CART

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Jason Hoeh

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Jason Hoeh » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

The biggest difference between Champcars and F1 cars si he size of the
sidepod,.. The thought of Schumacher slapping a wall at fontana at 230mph in
a Ferrari with those litle tiny sidepods makes me shudder. Those extra 200
pounds are largely a result of that, and thats a result of the lineage of
the cars. F1 doesn't race ovals, so they have evolced inot what they are,
Champcars do un ovals, so there you go,.. So the point of which is "safer"
is moot. A GP car in an oval would be deadly, so which is safer??

Pat, where were you sitting at Vancouver?? Maybe we were right beside
eachother ;-)

Tom Hie

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Tom Hie » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

> The biggest difference between Champcars and F1 cars si he size of the
> sidepod,.. The thought of Schumacher slapping a wall at fontana at 230mph in
> a Ferrari with those litle tiny sidepods makes me shudder. Those extra 200
> pounds are largely a result of that, and thats a result of the lineage of
> the cars. F1 doesn't race ovals, so they have evolced inot what they are,
> Champcars do un ovals, so there you go,.. So the point of which is "safer"
> is moot. A GP car in an oval would be deadly, so which is safer??

By the time you subtract a driver's weight from an F1 car, there
is closer to 400 pounds difference between the two (600 kg (1320 lbs)
w/driver for F1, 1525 to 1550 w/o driver depending on whether oval
or road course configuration for CART).

Safety between the two outside an oval is hard to calculate-
F1 tracks are buried in a sea of gravel. CART cars are built
for more protection but run on more realistically equipped tracks.



Designer-Illustrator-Modeler     Iowa State University
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Jason Hoeh

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Jason Hoeh » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

Exactly, its really comparing apple to oranges. They both are really fat and
have open wheels on four corners and they both are race cars, but they
really are quite dissimaliar in a lot of ways.. Both are pretty safe, (safe
being a relative term...)
Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Sorry, that's simply not true.

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Tom Hie

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Tom Hie » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

> "Brian Jackson" wrote

> > > But still... the fact remains that the *required* impact
> > > standards for each series are remarkably similar. Saying
> > > that CART cars must be stronger just because they are
> > > heavier is simply wrong.

> > I don't believe I said that. It's certainly not what I meant. What I
> > meant to say is that the CART car's required higher minimum weight
> > gives the designers more room to move to protect the driver
> > with added strength. It just stands to reason that an extra 200
> > pounds of car,  _applied_correctly_ (especially on cars the
> > size of these) can mean a
> > big difference in impact resistance, etc.

> But safety is not the reason for the extra weight. It is about cost
> reduction. Heavier cars are cheaper to build. And making it heavier
> for the same structural integrity actually makes it less safe as there
> is more energy to dissipate in an accident.

I think there has to more to it than that. Both types of cars
are designed with the same sort software, built of the same
materials with the same techniques in a similar manner, usually
by people very familiar with both. CART teams just don't spend
near what a tail end F1 team spends in a season.

CART cars weigh more primarily due to their regulations requiring
it. They are cheaper due in part to them being production oriented
product with profit as a motive rather than proprietary, exclusive,
the sky is the limit fantasy objects as in F1.

Unlike F1, CART cars frequently slam into fixed concrete walls
sideways at speeds F1 cars rarely reach. They are built for sustained
G loading, longer race distances, higher speed, and a wider variety
of tracks with different demands that F1 cars never see. CART teams
travel longer distances, have more races, often get crunched on ovals
and rely on chassis manufacturers for spare parts along the way.
Its really hard to make a direct comparison between the two without
ignoring a lot of what makes each series special.

I would argue that CART cars not being stronger and safer has
no basis in fact either. Both series place different demands
on their cars and both have gone their own direction in meeting
the challenges of those demands. An F1 car will never hit the wall
of an oval at 240MPH and few CART tracks are buried in a sea of
gravel which is the F1 approach.

But he hit the same wall Berger had years earier and done nothing about.
The risk of going off track in F1 usually carries less consequence than
going off track in CART.



Designer-Illustrator-Modeler     Iowa State University
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Brian Jackso

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Brian Jackso » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

> >I would argue that CART cars not being stronger and safer has
> >no basis in fact either.

> And you would be wrong. As David said, the required impact
> tests for F1 cars are now more stringent than for CART.
> That's the fact, easily verifiable. Just look at the rules
> of the two series.

You seem to be having a short circuit in the logic flow here. That fact
is made apparent by your response to Tom. Try reading the following
several times and let it percolate:

"The requirements of a given test, and the fact that a car passes said
test, in no way implies, much less proves, that the tested car is only
as good as the results of the tests would imply."

Read it again. And again.

All such tests set *MINIMUM* requirements that must be met. But we're
not talking about minimum requirements here. Is that really so hard to
grasp?  Once again - even if F1 test requirements are a bit more
stringent (and I've seen zero proof of it), that in no way makes it true
that F1 cars are more (or less) crashworthy than CART cars.

Tom Hie

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Tom Hie » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

> >> Actually, I think you will find that the mandatory impact test for F1
> >> are now comfortably more stringent than those in CART, although it is
> >> a few months since I checked.

> >> I'm afraid that the CART cars are stronger and safer thing is one of
> >> those bits of assumed wisdom which it turns out has no basis in fact
> >> whatsoever.

> >I would argue that CART cars not being stronger and safer has
> >no basis in fact either.

> And you would be wrong. As David said, the required impact tests for
> F1 cars are now more stringent than for CART. That's the fact, easily
> verifiable. Just look at the rules of the two series.

No, the facts are not easy verifiable. You are making an assumption
based on testing procedure, not on any results. You have stated
an opinion, not a fact, as have Dave and I.

They are different tests for different cars, built for different purposes,
with different demensions and design requirements. Applying standards
to an object designed for a different purpose and different requirements
doesn't prove anything.


Tom Hiett
Graphic Designer, Iowa State University
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Brian Jackso

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Brian Jackso » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

> It doesn't matter how many times I read it, or you repeat it, it
> doesn't suddenly prove that CART cars are stronger. Unless you can
> come up with some *evidence* to back up your conjecture that CART cars
> are built far stronger than they are required to be, and that F1 cars
> aren't, then the only verifiable fact remains that F1 cars are
> required to meet more stringent standards than CART cars.

This is why you're having so much trouble with this. No one at this end
was attempting to "prove" any such thing. Neither I, nor Tom, made any
offers of proof. You are the one who keeps referring to the impact test
regulations and trying to offer them up as a proof when they simply
cannot be used that way.

You haven't verified a thing. You have simply asserted that you are
right and that I am wrong and tried to prove it by pointing to
crash/impact tests that tell you only the minimum strength of the cars
as measured by that finite set of tests. Period. Such tests do NOT tell
us how strong the cars *really* are. They tell us only that the cars ar
AT LEAST strong enough to pass the tests.

Boeing, when designing and building a new plane, actually stress tests
the wings to the point of breakage. They actually tie the plane down and
bend the wing until it breaks. So they KNOW exactly how much it will
take. They can pint to the numbers and say "At this point it fails."
They don't have a test that says "will the wing stand up to at least X
pounds of pressure?" They find out the actual limit. To my knowledge,
neither F1 nor CART does such a thing. Their tests are minimum, "it has
to stand up to AT LEAST so much stress". Those are two very different
things and until representative example cars from each series are
stressed until they actually break - until the actual limit is known -
this is all just supposition.  

I'm not arguing about the rules. The rules have nothing to do with this.
The F1 tests could require that the cars pass a test that's 50% more
stringent than CART's equivilent test. That still doesn't mean that you
can infer that F1 cars are stronger. Simply stated, the results gained
from a "minimum" test do not, in any way, tell you anything about the
maximum (unless it failes the minimum test, of course.) That you can't
understand this simple fact means this (alleged) discussion is

1. It is just a theory. Period. I have neither the desire nor the
   obligation to hash it all out in court with you.

2. You have a blind spot that isn't allowing you to see the flaw
   in your reasoning. As long as you maintain that these tests
   are a reliable and accurate means of comparison, then we have
   already said all that needs to be said.

Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

>> Actually, I think you will find that the mandatory impact test for F1
>> are now comfortably more stringent than those in CART, although it is
>> a few months since I checked.

>> I'm afraid that the CART cars are stronger and safer thing is one of
>> those bits of assumed wisdom which it turns out has no basis in fact
>> whatsoever.

>I would argue that CART cars not being stronger and safer has
>no basis in fact either.

And you would be wrong. As David said, the required impact tests for
F1 cars are now more stringent than for CART. That's the fact, easily
verifiable. Just look at the rules of the two series.

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Jason Hoeh

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Jason Hoeh » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Sounds to me like someone is trying to fire the "which is better, CART or
F1" debat again, only with a different twist,..
Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

On Mon, 22 May 2000 20:40:01 -0700, Brian Jackson

>> >I would argue that CART cars not being stronger and safer has
>> >no basis in fact either.

>> And you would be wrong. As David said, the required impact
>> tests for F1 cars are now more stringent than for CART.
>> That's the fact, easily verifiable. Just look at the rules
>> of the two series.

>You seem to be having a short circuit in the logic flow here. That fact
>is made apparent by your response to Tom. Try reading the following
>several times and let it percolate:

>"The requirements of a given test, and the fact that a car passes said
>test, in no way implies, much less proves, that the tested car is only
>as good as the results of the tests would imply."

>Read it again. And again.

It doesn't matter how many times I read it, or you repeat it, it
doesn't suddenly prove that CART cars are stronger. Unless you can
come up with some *evidence* to back up your conjecture that CART cars
are built far stronger than they are required to be, and that F1 cars
aren't, then the only verifiable fact remains that F1 cars are
required to meet more stringent standards than CART cars.

We're talking about *verifiable* facts here. So far, all you have come
up with is unsupported speculation.

Then I suggest you read the rules. Arguing about the rules without
reading them isn't a good idea.

Then provide some evidence to back up your theory that CART cars are
stronger. At the moment, the *only* verifiable evidence we have, the
impact tests that the cars must pass before being allowed to race,
show the F1 cars to be stronger.

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Geoff Schule

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by Geoff Schule » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Response moved down to where it is in context.

Not at all, or at least, I'm not. I enjoy both series. I'm only
pointing out that the oft-repeated claim that "CART cars are stronger
than F1 cars" is *not* supported by any evidence.

Geoff Schuler
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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David Bett

Moderately OT; Stupid CART...

by David Bett » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

"Brian Jackson" wrote

Actually, Brian, it is you and the other posters who seek to argue
that CART cars may well exceed the minimum CART standards who have the
blind spot. This is motor racing. The chassis builders are in
competition on performance, not safety. Anybody who didn't build their
car to the limit of the regulations (and, in the case of CART, the
market price) would be uncompetitive. If the impact tests in F1 are
tougher, then the chances are that the cars aren't weaker. Accept it.

It's not as if it's a point of honour, for God's sake. All Geoff and I
have been doing is debunking a popular myth. We're not criticising
CART for its safety performance, and if I was to do so it would be the
circuits which I focused on, not the cars.


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