> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 09:52:02 GMT, "Laurence Wilmer"
> >Your achievements with a joypad are quite phenomenal! I have only
> >achieved 9:30 Ring and 1:35 Monaco - with an elderly Thrustmaster T2
> not as phenomenal as the guy doing 1.09 at watkins glen with the
> keyboard :)
> my ring time is currently 9:49 with about 4 or 5 major***ups in
> between. i figure 9:10 or 20 is achievable as i learn more about it.
> >no split axis, but at least it's a wheel.
> as long as you can be smooth, i guess it helps. are you sure it isn't
> split axis? isn't there a little back to back converter that you can
> remove to make it 3 axis? i borrowed one once and I seem to recall
> that little thing that you plugged in between the pedals and the main
> unit to change the brake axis. that was a looooong way back though,
> so my memory may be faulty.
this time it's no longer $2 pots, but a $12 conductive plastic 360 degrees
pot for the wheel, and $8 c.p. pots for throttle and brake.
The T2 is hardwired as combined axis. I have rewired my pedals to be
switchable between split and combined axis (as some games only support that).
Using or not using the converter made it possible to have the throttle/brake
axis on either Joy 1 (JoyA Vert, in GP1/2/3 terms) or Joy 2 (JoyB Horz) as
Erm... no wait I remember now. The first series of T2's had the wheel at
Joy 0 (A Horz), and the throttle/brake on Joy 2 (B Horz). But when used with
Windows, selecting a 2 axis joystick/wheel required the throttle/brake axis
to be on Joy 1 (A Vert). This is what the converter was for. Later T2 models
had the throttle/brake already wired to Joy 1, and didn't need (and didn't
get shipped with) the converter. Btw, mine came with the converter <G>
With this old and rusty T2 with cheap pots, my Ring pb is 8:04.82 . Mind though,
that the Ring is my favorite track, and I actually started GPL-ing on it in an
F1 car :):):)
Ren van Lobberegt, The Netherlands.
AMCA webmaster : http://www.racesimcentral.net/