: i see references to car sets, the '95 cars etc. etc.
: where do i get these?
: what utilities are offered via internet etc (eg. painting?)?
The place to browse: http://didnt.doit.wisc.edu/Peter/default.html
Check 'em out, tons of ICR related stuff is there :).
_))__ | Darrel Cherry
/ \ | San Jose State Univ. - Math/Computer Science Dept.
|^ (o)(o) | http://www.isc.sjsu.edu/b/t/dcherry/public_html
C ,---_) | ^^^^^^^^^^ - home page to be killed soon due to
| |,___| | stupid campus politics :-Q !
| \__/ --------------------------------------------------------
/_____\ Hello operator...give me the number for 911!!
/-----\/\ - Homer Simpson