I am not sure that the program reads any data from the drivers2.txt
file, but I went ahead a tweaked what should be the "agression" numbers.
So far the AI seems much improved over NASCAR1. I followed Rusty who
was trying to get around Terry for about 10 laps before I could get
around. If I wasn't right on Rusty's bumper he would attempt to pass
Terry on the outside. Whenever I moved up on Rusty, he would drop down
low and protect his line. The moment I dropped back he went up high
trying to pass Terry.
I finally got up beside Rusty going into turn 3. He stayed high and
battled me all the way through the turn. However, I was able to get
back on the power quicker than Rusty and made the pass. The AI drivers
seem to be just about right when they are ahead, but I think they could
be a tad more agressive when they are behind.
One of my pet peeves about ICR1/2 & NASCAR1 was that once a car got
around you they seemed to just take off. For some reason they go faster
when they are ahead of you than when you have them safely behind. In
the demo, this seems to be tamed down a bit. As long as they don't have
an extreme lead on you, I find it possible to reel them back in.
Another pet peeve with NASCAR1 is that the AI cars don't seem to suffer
the same kind of tire wear as the lowly human's tires. In the demo I
see dramatic differences between the AI's time with fresh or worn tars.
Thanks Papyrus!
Back to AI, the AI in the demo seem to attack the corners alot more
aggressively than in NASCAR1. After a 50% Atlanta race in the Demo, I
put in a few laps in NASCAR1. The AI drivers in NASCAR1 always seem to
let up too much entering the corners.
I also noticed that the AI drivers in the demo seem to alter their lines
as their tires wear. Also their driving performance seems to fluctuate
more in the demo than in NASCAR1. This is more like the real thing. A
car that bolts out on the start tends to fade after 10-20 laps and a car
that starts out slower can gather up speed later in the race.
Can't wait to race a field of 39 cars.
Is it just me, or are the "human" pit stops way too long?
I know that some have been complaining about the "cockpit" view. I like
the view in the Demo. It "feels" more realistic. We are sitting closer
to the ground. The cars seem smaller too. I always felt that the cars
in NASCAR1 were too big compared to the scale of the track. The overall
feel in the demo is much more "realistic". I like the way the car
handles at slower speeds. I am assuming they are implementing
"variable" wheel lock based on speed. It's alot easier trying to scrub
some heat into the tires during yellow flag runs. However, I still
think the tire temps drop too much during the parade lap and under
caution. This still makes restarts a little precarious, but with the
"traction-bug" gone, starts & re-starts are much improved.
One last thing... The spotter needs to get the chaw out of his mouth
when he says "you are now in first". I sounds more like, "fird" to me.
Which sounds more like "third". Otherwise I love this guy. It gets a
little lonely out there when there's no one around. It would be kinda
nice if the spotter could let me know if I am gaining on the driver
ahead (especially when I can't even see him).
Question: Does the crew chief/spotter say that the front right is
getting worn based on the pit stop window or actual tire wear?
I sure hope Papyrus can make their November date. I think I'll go ahead
and schedule vacation for the last week of November and the first week
of December.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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