ATI 9700 Pro & Asus A7V8X

John Simmon

ATI 9700 Pro & Asus A7V8X

by John Simmon » Thu, 27 Mar 2003 20:37:07


> > I tried once more to get it working today. I installed win2k (***
> > install), DX9, Cat 3.2, and finally audigy drivers.  I skipped
> > installing anything from VIA, and what do you know - games run just
> > fine.  It's the 4-in-1 stuff that's the cause of the problem with the
> > A7V8X and the 9700 Pro.

> > Now, here I sit - wondering if it's gonna hurt anything to go ahead
> > from here without installing the Via stuff.  I mean, Via must have
> > had a reason for coming up with these drivers (other than for the
> > reason of making my system unstable), so I'm kinda worried that
> > something isn't gonna work at a critical point. :/

> Other than the fact that you're most likely taking a huge performance
> hit, nope :-)

> 4-1....the reason I'm "less than impressed with VIA based MoBo's, you
> can imagine just how much I dislike them by the fact that for a while I
> actually had an nVidia product in my system as a replacement ....

Well, I was told that the AGP driver is not required, but that also
means that AGP 3.0 and AGP-8X are not enabled.  However, my frame
rates are comparable (if not just a bit better) on the new setup that
does not use the VIA stuff, so I'm not sure performance will be a

I'm still considering a new motherboard, despite the fact that it
appears to be working...


ATI 9700 Pro & Asus A7V8X

by MadDAW » Fri, 28 Mar 2003 00:59:05

Just a thought, but since you have a fresh install (read not much to loose)
you could try installing each of the four Via drivers one at a time until
you find the one causing the problem. Its been awhile since I delt with a
VIA based mobo (ASUS K7V to be exact), but wasn't there an issue with
Win2000 and the VIA IDE or PCI driver?  I thought there was one of the four
that was suppose to be skipped with Win2000, but like I said that was awhile


Goy Larse

ATI 9700 Pro & Asus A7V8X

by Goy Larse » Sat, 29 Mar 2003 08:17:23

> Well, I was told that the AGP driver is not required, but that also
> means that AGP 3.0 and AGP-8X are not enabled.  However, my frame
> rates are comparable (if not just a bit better) on the new setup that
> does not use the VIA stuff, so I'm not sure performance will be a
> problem.

Odd, but maybe Win2k has better "basic" drivers for VIA chip sets, never
messes around with Win2k on any of my *** PC's, but in Win98 it made
a huge difference

But whatever works for you mate :-), that's the important bit after all

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

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