>>I recently saw a post that said there were 3 codes that could be entered
>>in the "name" field when playing the game. They were as follows: EAC
>>RALY, EAC POWR, EAC WARP. I have tried all three and nothing happens. I
>>have tried uppercase/lowercase combinations, but still NOTHING happens.
>>Are these codes correct? Was this a joke and I didn't clue in?
>>Thanks to anyone who can help <or even to anyone who bothered to read
>>this posting :) >
>I think I heard that you have to win a complete circuit before they'll work.
Actually, you must win the tourney twice before they will work. And
make sure you use all capitals! Winning the tourney once will just
give you the bonus track. After you win twice, the credits tells you
the cheats.
Lephturn (Sean Conrad)
Nova Scotia, Canada
"SHIFT! SHIFT!" - Me screaming at my significant
other from the passenger seat of my car.