Join the club. And I run the Hall Of Fame... :-(
That doesn't help. I use it too; Paul Hamilton has managed some pretty
respectable times with it on but the fastest drivers all hate it and
refuse to use it.
Most of the top drivers use this. I don't think there's a whole lot of
difference between it and a good stick; remember that F1GP was designed
for the Amiga wherer the sticks are digital.
>Can somebody please help me?
>If the answer is to embarresing ("you're just a bad driver") please
>If not you can just respond to this newsgroup.
We're not _bad_ drivers, we just haven't figured out how to be good
drivers yet. :-)
Keep practicing. It's surprising sometimes when you discover a faster
way round a corner; try braking earlier as well as later, so you get a
faster exit. One useful program to have is GPperf, the performance
You'll also want something to graph the results and compare two laps;
my filter program isn't quite ready yet, but you could try
(hope I got that right) which is a nice shareware graphing tool.
Spreadsheets often can't cope with the amount of data involved.
The other thing that would help would be good, corner-by-corner
descriptions of really fast laps at each circuit. Anyone volunteering
to write them? I'll happily edit them and include them in the Hall Of
Fame and maybe the FAQ too.
-- Gizmo
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