Mark Seer


by Mark Seer » Mon, 19 Jan 2004 10:24:12

Swings and roundabouts Eldred.

Some setups are impossible for one person to suit his driving style to
whilst same setup will knock a second off another person's PB. Tonight, I
had to drive a car that was undriveable for me, 1 or 2 seconds off my own
pace whilst on the edge of reasonable control. This, despite practicing all
week. Personally, I think it's a crazy situation when competent and
experienced drivers are forced to use a car that is simply not possible to
lap safely. There were several of those out there tonight. Hardly levelling
the playing field IMHO.

I for one, will not bother to turn up again for any particular track if it
means having to fight a car to an uncompetitive grid position whilst
endangering everybody else around me. Utter madness...

Surely there are setups out there somewhere for the "setup challenged" to


Brian Oste


by Brian Oste » Mon, 19 Jan 2004 14:36:59

Well, I for one would be stuck with trying to find one to download.  I
can barely tweak oval setups... I wouldn't know where to begin on an
RC setup.  I haven't found the setups we have been using to be all
that bad... too me they seem very stable and more over, this mod is
incredibly forgiving compared to the cup cars.  You can really get the
car sideways and still save it.

If we go with open sets, that is fine, however, we need to turn off
driving aids if we do.   I don't give a damn what the patch was
supposed to fix, I still think that driving aids give an advantage
especially with open sets.

Brian Oster

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 01:24:12 +0000 (UTC), "Mark Seery"

>Swings and roundabouts Eldred.

>Some setups are impossible for one person to suit his driving style to
>whilst same setup will knock a second off another person's PB. Tonight, I
>had to drive a car that was undriveable for me, 1 or 2 seconds off my own
>pace whilst on the edge of reasonable control. This, despite practicing all
>week. Personally, I think it's a crazy situation when competent and
>experienced drivers are forced to use a car that is simply not possible to
>lap safely. There were several of those out there tonight. Hardly levelling
>the playing field IMHO.

>I for one, will not bother to turn up again for any particular track if it
>means having to fight a car to an uncompetitive grid position whilst
>endangering everybody else around me. Utter madness...

>Surely there are setups out there somewhere for the "setup challenged" to


>> writes:

>> >You guys run FIXED setups???
>> >I'm curious; what's the idea behind doing so?

>> To attempt to even out the field so that the guys who are 'setup-aware'
>> totally run away with the race...

>> Eldred
>> --
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>> Screamers Racing League
>> IICC League
>> GPLRank -2.4    MoGPL rank +302.38
>> ChallengeRank +54.48   MoC +743.77
>> Hist. +82.82  MoH in progress
>> N2k3 rank:in progress

>> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Neil Charlto


by Neil Charlto » Mon, 19 Jan 2004 19:49:39


To be honest, I'm only here for the fixed setups - it's what differentiates
us from and other leagues. It also means that on a tough weekend I'm still
OK as long as I have half an hour as all I have to do is get used to the
setup - no tweaking time needed. I do agree that last night's setup would
have been difficult for some - perhaps we should appoint a 'Mr. Average' to
come up with a setup that will suit most - I wouldn't mind that. I would
mind open setups.

If we go open and I stay, then I think we would definitely have to go
*** otherwise it becomes silly.




by JLe » Mon, 19 Jan 2004 19:57:42

I dont think the problem lies with being a fixed league. Remember the
fast setup for Glen/Sears? They are both very drivable for all of us.
The problem at RA was we had nothing but an alien setup to use.

I too had to adapt to this setup, had to set my mind to not shift/brake
the car when turning, because that ment an immediate loop for me. (of
course I didnt succeed at this :)

cheers jurjen



by mcewe » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 00:33:33

> I for one, will not bother to turn up again for any particular track if it
> means having to fight a car to an uncompetitive grid position whilst
> endangering everybody else around me. Utter madness...



by mcewe » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 00:37:54

Instead the guys who's style matches the choosen setup run away.

You don't have to be setup aware to be compative in an open setup
race, you just have to know how to download from somebody who is.



by Mitch_ » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 01:54:45

AFAIK we are going to remain a fixed league.  The TA mod is unique in that
it doesnt include basic well rounded setups.  When we get back to the Cup
schedule we will use the expert setups that are readily available.

So basically what youre saying is you have a source for downloading good
setups that will give YOU the advantage based on a setup vs driving ability
yet somehow this is more fair than everyone with the same setup?  This gets
to the root of my main issues with Papy's NRxxxx.  The guys that know the
setup cheats almost always win.  I absolutely dont believe in using any
setup that takes advantage of the games physics engine flaws in an
unrealistic manner and the only way to prevent that is run fixed setups.

If you don't have a handle on any particular setup then PRACTICE with it.  I
can (almost) gaurantee that if you turn a 100 laps at any track with any
setup that you will be able to find the limit and to run laps safely during
the race.  On the flip side if you jump into a bad setup and run it like you
do your good setup then yea youre going to have problems.

I'm really not seeing the logic of your statements.  We all use the same
setup but some guys (based on luck or what?) have an advantage because that
particular setup matches his style.  Yet in the same paragraph you say its
more fair to run open setups because guys can just go download a good setup?


Brian Oste


by Brian Oste » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 05:25:39

>AFAIK we are going to remain a fixed league.  The TA mod is unique in that
>it doesnt include basic well rounded setups.  When we get back to the Cup
>schedule we will use the expert setups that are readily available.

I whole-heartedly agree with that decision.  Even the expert setups
are not that *expert*.  They are still incredibly tight... just not
quite as bad as the Fast setups.  Another fixed league I race in runs
opens sets on the plate tracks where driving skill has very little to
do with where you finish.

If you are having problems with the setups we are using for the TA
mod, do what I do, back off just a tad.  I was one of the slowest guys
out there Sat., but by simply racing the track, being patient and
careful I ended up with a 2nd.  Even if Neil and Ginger wouldn't have
had problems I would have ended up 4th... I certainly didn't get that
by being 4th fastest.  I think we should stick with the setups we have
been using, it gives the RC aces a chance to show their stuff.

Oh and one other thing.  A lot of times I will download a setup that
seems to be over my ability.  So I practice and start tweaking and
after a lot of practice and a lot of tweaking I usually find myself
back to the original set... the practice made the difference and made
what I thought was a hard set a very stable one, after I got used to
it.  No substitute for practice.

Brian Oster

Art McEwe


by Art McEwe » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:51:11

So it's MitchCAR?  ;)

Not saying change it on my account, but I'm suggesting it's worth
considering as I'm obviously not the only one complaining.

Consider me gone till then at least.

Nope but I can spend a few minutes modifing the ones that came with the game
to suit my style and abilities, or I can leverage on some kind sole who has
similar style and maybe a better understanding of the game physics and more
time/patience to develop the setup.  And of course they'd only give ME the
advantage if I was the only one able to surf the net....

Without the ability to tune the car we might as well be running on

Not been my experience with GPL, there are 1000's of resources available,
are they all realistic, of course not, but they're open to everybody.

Of course if I had time for 100 laps practice I'd be able to drive around
any setup problems, but an hour or 2 a week is all I can afford practice
wise and this week less.  This is an enjoyable pass time not my life.

Never said more fair, just more fun.    Natural talent and hours of practice
will always rise to the top open or fixed.



by Eldre » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:07:23

>If we go open and I stay, then I think we would definitely have to go
>*** otherwise it becomes silly.

Why's that?

Homepage -
Screamers Racing League
IICC League
GPLRank -2.4    MoGPL rank +302.38
ChallengeRank +54.48   MoC +743.77
Hist. +82.82  MoH in progress
N2k3 rank:in progress

Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.



by Mitch_ » Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:03:41

It would be MitchCAR had I said "We're NOW using OPEN setups" alone without
consent.  Would MitchCAR last long?  I doubt it.  Just because Im doing some
of the administrative duties doesnt mean Im making decisions alone or on a
veto basis.  Im just goin with the flow with the only goal to make if fair
and fun.  One thing is certain though, it's going to take more than you and
one or two guys to sway RASCAR on such a major change as going to Open sets.
In fact I'd say it would take a vast majority.

Whats happening now in TA (setup changes etc) is only because its winter
league and now is time to test/experiment with things for next year.  I
think the problem with these setups is being overstated personally but agian
who am I.  We all drive the same thing so how again is it less fair for




by mcewe » Wed, 21 Jan 2004 00:05:08

I tried that when I started offline practice but it was screwing up my
rythum so much (I think because it was bottoming out) that I ended up
stiffing it just so I could drive 5 laps cleanly, figuring I'd go back
to the fixed one once I'd found my way.  I'd do that for a few minutes
then go back to the fast and either get behind in the stearing in the
esses (there may have been a frame rate issue there too) or bottom out
under braking at the end of the straight, then go back to my setup for
10 laps get my confidence back up, then back to the one I couldn't
drive and be right in the same boat.   After a while it became
not-fun, and THAT I can get at work.

I'm just saying I haven't heard a convincing argument in the evil of
open setups.  Sure some of them are un-natural and "unrealistic" but
come on we're trying to simulate $100,000 race cars on a $1,000 PC
with a 2D monitor with $25 software!

You're right of course, but it's a lot easier to practice if you're
enjoying ourselves and after all isn't that the point?

Brian Oste


by Brian Oste » Wed, 21 Jan 2004 00:43:05

I don't think the arguement against open sets are that they are
"evil", or "unrealistic".  We have allways been a fixed league.
Generally open setups are used in more advanced leagues and are
considered harder.  If we ran open sets here, the disparity between
the top drivers and the middle to low end drivers would be even
greater.  I don't think open sets are bad even when they are sometimes
unrealistic, and if I had more time, I would most certainly join an
open set league.  I just don't think they are right for RASCAR.  If
RASCAR had two divisions (I am not say we should, just using it as an
example) where new people started in the fixed league and then
graduated to the next level, that next level would probably be an open
set league.  Like Mitch said, once we get back to cup the setups we
will be using are much more *novice* and this whole issue will be a
moot point.

Brian Oster

Brian Oste


by Brian Oste » Wed, 21 Jan 2004 00:48:10

Just to add to that, we have never (that I can remember) had this
debate when running cup cars. I am sure that if it had been an issue
all last season and it seemed the majority wanted to change it, it
would have been put to a vote some where along the way.  In reality,
it has only surfaced with the TA mod where there are few setups and
the ones that do exist, some seem to think are too hard.  I think if
we went to open sets we would find a hell of a lot more problems than
we do now.  Our league, at present, is not geared twards an open set

Brian Oster

>It would be MitchCAR had I said "We're NOW using OPEN setups" alone without
>consent.  Would MitchCAR last long?  I doubt it.  Just because Im doing some
>of the administrative duties doesnt mean Im making decisions alone or on a
>veto basis.  Im just goin with the flow with the only goal to make if fair
>and fun.  One thing is certain though, it's going to take more than you and
>one or two guys to sway RASCAR on such a major change as going to Open sets.
>In fact I'd say it would take a vast majority.

>Whats happening now in TA (setup changes etc) is only because its winter
>league and now is time to test/experiment with things for next year.  I
>think the problem with these setups is being overstated personally but agian
>who am I.  We all drive the same thing so how again is it less fair for


>> > AFAIK we are going to remain a fixed league.

>> So it's MitchCAR?  ;)

>> Not saying change it on my account, but I'm suggesting it's worth
>> considering as I'm obviously not the only one complaining.

>> > The TA mod is unique in that
>> > it doesnt include basic well rounded setups.  When we get back to the
>> > schedule we will use the expert setups that are readily available.

>> Consider me gone till then at least.

>> > So basically what youre saying is you have a source for downloading good
>> > setups that will give YOU the advantage based on a setup vs driving
>> ability
>> > yet somehow this is more fair than everyone with the same setup?

>> Nope but I can spend a few minutes modifing the ones that came with the
>> to suit my style and abilities, or I can leverage on some kind sole who
>> similar style and maybe a better understanding of the game physics and
>> time/patience to develop the setup.  And of course they'd only give ME the
>> advantage if I was the only one able to surf the net....

>> Without the ability to tune the car we might as well be running on
>> playstations.

>> > This gets
>> > to the root of my main issues with Papy's NRxxxx.  The guys that know
>> > setup cheats almost always win.

>> Not been my experience with GPL, there are 1000's of resources available,
>> are they all realistic, of course not, but they're open to everybody.

>> > If you don't have a handle on any particular setup then PRACTICE with
>> I
>> > can (almost) gaurantee that if you turn a 100 laps at any track with any
>> > setup that you will be able to find the limit and to run laps safely
>> during
>> > the race.  On the flip side if you jump into a bad setup and run it like
>> you
>> > do your good setup then yea youre going to have problems.

>> Of course if I had time for 100 laps practice I'd be able to drive around
>> any setup problems, but an hour or 2 a week is all I can afford practice
>> wise and this week less.  This is an enjoyable pass time not my life.

>> > particular setup matches his style.  Yet in the same paragraph you say
>> > more fair to run open setups because guys can just go download a good
>> setup?

>> Never said more fair, just more fun.    Natural talent and hours of
>> will always rise to the top open or fixed.

Joachim Trens


by Joachim Trens » Wed, 21 Jan 2004 01:45:51


I've put a vote up at my website, whether people want my original
setups, or whether I should return to my previous policy of tuning them
down a little for driveability.

Maybe the majority indeed wants them a little easier to drive, I
wouldn't mind tweaking them some for driveability, it's only a few

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