I was thinking last night about how i am always being disconnected from
online leagues and races and how i am getting so frustrated with connection
problems and i have come up with the answer. A gpl offline racing league.
Well i am starting on the web site now and getting all the info and setup
stuff organized but it will be started. Bascially the races will be
intermediate or advanced races (still have shift R). I havnt decided on teh
amount of AI but it will either be something like 5-8 or it may just be
OPEN. I know how some people have troubles running a lot of AI. Also i
will be making special AI adjustments so the AI is teh same speed and doesnt
adjust to how fast you are. This way we can all run against the same AI,
(either that or it will also be open). This league will be all about fun.
Races will be able to be run withing maybe a week or a few days but it wont
be as strict as online leagues where you HAVE to be online at a certain
league and joining. I have a lot of things planned that i havnt mentioned
yet but it will ALL be on the web page when it is done.