I took my Logi Momo apart yesterday and "fixed" the loose motor
problem. After re-assembly the wheel is behaving strangely. Now, the
wheel turns itself to full left lock and the motor holds it in that
position with quite a bit of force. Only one LED (the left one)
lights, "except" when I go into wheel properties. Under wheel
properties both LEDs light up and the wheel loses its FF tension.
Also under wheel properties both pedal axis' are seen to work, but the
wheel axis remains in the fully turned position and does not show to
be working at all, even when both LEDs light. I have already
uninstalled and reinstalled the Wingman software twice and I have run
the 'clear calibration' tool from the Wingman site. I have once again
removed the wheel cover and all wires seem to be in their proper place
and no obvious broken or detached wires are seen. Any ideas? TIA.