Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?


Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?

by KelunaBo » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Thinking about replacing my my T2 with something newer. Any owners of the
new MS Precision Pro Wheel?
Anyone know of online reviews of this wheel?

My guess is that reviews of the older MSSFF model apply, but without the FF
effects...but one never knows.

Should I go for the FF over the non-FF MS Wheel, (about $45.00 more in my
local stores)?

Can't say that I'm e***d about FF, and I am concerned about all those
little parts breaking down after a few thousand miles.

The Logitech FF looks good too, but all the reviews mention that the pedals
don't have enough travel, what about the MS Wheels?

Just trolling I guess...


Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?

by Bria » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I have a MSFF wheel and with the force feedback and return to center force,
the notchiness resulting from the gear drive is acceptable.  I saw the new
MS Precision Pro Wheel and it has a very week return to center 'spring' and
a very noticeable indent (or notch?) at the center position.  I would say it
has all the negatives of the MSFF without the force.

For myself, I wouldn't go back to a non-FF for GPL, N3, and NASCAR Legends.
When I turn the force off for N3, it feels pretty much like N2/N99 to me.
With the force, it feels like it has a 'nearly' new physics engine, giving
me a much better sense of the wheel travel, oversteer/understeer, limit of
adhesion, ..

If I were to buy again, I would probably go with the Logitech FF and change
the springs of the pedals (or wire in some other pedals).  BTW, my gas pedal
spring on the MSFF broke (it wasn't completely returning to the top
position) - I replaced it with a spring made from a coat hangar.



Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?

by KelunaBo » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Thanks for the info Brian,

I guess I'm a bit behind the times, was force feedback added to a second
version of GPL or is that in a patch?  I really like the look of the
Logitech as well, just those pedals....


Robert Jorda

Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?

by Robert Jorda » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I have the MSFF, the pedals are very good... alot alot better than Logictech.
The forcefeedback is very strong and realistice. I just dont like the steering
wheel. After
several minutes of intense racing, the hand postion hurts. If you try to place
you hand over the top of wheel, its too wide and doesnt feel good....


> Thinking about replacing my my T2 with something newer. Any owners of the
> new MS Precision Pro Wheel?
> Anyone know of online reviews of this wheel?

> My guess is that reviews of the older MSSFF model apply, but without the FF
> effects...but one never knows.

> Should I go for the FF over the non-FF MS Wheel, (about $45.00 more in my
> local stores)?

> Can't say that I'm e***d about FF, and I am concerned about all those
> little parts breaking down after a few thousand miles.

> The Logitech FF looks good too, but all the reviews mention that the pedals
> don't have enough travel, what about the MS Wheels?

> Just trolling I guess...


Precision Pro Wheel - Any Owners?

by Larr » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

First, the MS wheels have the best pedals by far.

However, the MS Precision Pro Wheel is _nothing_ like the MSFFW wheel.

There are two things about this wheel that really disturb me.  First, the
wheel is all plastic with NO padding at all.

Second, and more importantly, this wheel has the strongest and most
noticable center 'notch' I've ever felt in a wheel.  I can't stand it, or I
would have bought one to replace my MSFFW (Force-Feedback is falling out of
favor with me).

On the good side, the pedals are the same (so it seems) as the MSFFW and it
is USB, which the MSFFW should have been all along but apparantly never will
be :(

If you want the best pedals, get the MS wheel.  If you want a better wheel,
get the non-ff Logitech.

There is one other issue.  The new MS wheel's SideWinder Software 4.0
(which, for odd reasons, isn't available to other Sidewinder users) is
apparantly not compatible with DirectX 7 (which I have abandoned for now for
many other reasons).  That's kind of ironic, when you think about it :)

One other problem, if you shop retail and want the Logitech wheel, could be
availability.  It appears to me that Microsoft is making a *** push in
the hardware controller market at major resellers.  I have been to several
CompUSA's and Best Buys, and stocks of everything _except_ Microsoft
products are dismal.  Usually only display units were present.  Hardly any
Logitech wheels or joysticks were available, and it wasn't just Logitech.
It was the other manufacturers, too.  Ditto for the mouse sections.

Who knows what kind of 'special' deals may have been made that are causing
this shortage of non-MS products.

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