On Fri, 09 Mar 2001 06:13:41 GMT, "Careful with that axe, Nick"
>My speed - 181
>His speed - 200
>Ok, so what can I do to change this, is there something in GP3edit, or
>are the default setups not that good(I'm competitive in the corners
the default setups are conservative. You should try lowering your
downforce and adjusting your gear ratios out a bit. also playing with
throttle control aids off seemed to improve my acceleration and thus I
was able to reach higher top end speeds. Of course you should play
with manual braking and gear changes. The computer is also being over
cautious in these 2 areas.
As an example of changing setups, on Hockenheim I was maxing out in
the mid 190's i think. After installing a setup downloaded from
www.alphaf1.com/gp3/ i managed to hit 200mph on all the straights. I
believe I hit over 220mph (or was it 230?) after picking up some nice
that's the only way to fly!
i'm not a setup wiz myself and just start with other people's setups
and tweak them slightly to suit my driving style. On another
controversial note, I must say that having reinstalling both F12000CE
+ all chassis patch and GP3 1.13 + 2001 carset, etc, I am enjoying
GP3 much more. Sorry EA. I really want to like F12000CE but it's
just doesn't do anything for me. That said though, neither of them
come close to the greatness of GPL, but then everybody knows that by
now anyway.