2003. There's not much talk here in the R.A.S. newsgroup about
netKar, but it is a real gem, physics-wise, and I'm surprised it
hasn't generated more discussion. The Beta 0.99 version will feature
online multiplayer support, and that, combined with the awesome
physics modeling by Kunos, should help make netKar a GPL-caliber
classic (IMO).
Here was the announcement posted by Schummy1 on the Racesim Central
netKar forum:
<A HREF="http://www.racesimcentral.net/;>netKar
<BLOCKQUOTE>Time's up! It's a long story but it would be wise to read
it as it's important.
The famous 0.9.9 version is ready but it has to be considered as a
BETA version.
For the last weeks we have tried to resolve two very serious problems:
<LI>Supra.dll file missing
<LI>Server list
Unfortunately none of this problems has being solved. Supra has being
eliminated by this 0.9.9 BETA because Stefano didn't find the
necessary time to fix it. That's because of his new job and moving to
Japan that really upset his life.
Server list problem: Our dedicated server should have hosted the
server list (similar to VROC) but it hasn't yet arrived. That's why
yesterday night me and Aris tried to verify the function of the server
list in our computers. Unfortunately there was nothing to do. By error
the server list program has hard coded inside it an IP number that
points to a fixed site and cannot be modified now without kunos help.
We will still try to search for a solution till Monday, but we can't
promise much.
The host game server also seems to suffer from some problems regarding
the number of clients and can't be fixed for the moment.
All said and done, we ask you to have a little more patience and
please forgive us for all this delay. You must consider this as a BETA
We won't see Version 1.0 (or whatever the name is going to be) before
October, wishing that Stefano finds the time and will to work again
with us.
We tried everything we could but that's all we can deliver.
The 0.9.9 "namie" BETA is going to be published on Monday 14 July
evening time CET. This because if we wanted to resolve all problems
the release date had to be delayed more until September or even
We hope that you will appreciate the fact that we WANT you to play
with this version and that is what pushed us to release the non
perfect 0.9.9
We thank you in advance and we ask you to wait until 14 July for the
Thank you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Luca Casarotto AKA Schummy1
News & Factory,
Forum's Administrator
And here is the netKar Multiplayer tut***as posted on the Racesim
Central netKar forum by Aristotelis:
Ok friends. So to keep you occupied while you wait for the 0.9.9, and
since I'm sure you WON'T READ the readme, helpme, justopenme files...
here is a tutorial on how to setup the server.
You will find the file nkservercfg.ini in the root netkar directory.
This is the file that controls the server behavior. Follows the
options with explanations which you can't insert inside the .ini file.
MODE=1----------------------------;// MODE: 1=PRACTICE-qual then race
2=only RACE
MAXCLIENTS=10-------------------;number of clients
USEFAKECLIENT=0-----------------;always 0
ACCEPTVERSION=106-------------;leave as is
NAME=The flying pig---------------;name of the server
TRACK=newbury--------------------;track name
CAR=modena_street;supra-------;Cars accepted separated by ";"
RACELAPS=4------------------------;numbers of laps in race
WAITTIME=100----------------------;time in seconds for race start
PRACTICETIME=10-----------------;time in minutes for qualifying
MAXVALIDLAPS=12----------------;number of valid laps in qualifying
(i.e. best 12)
ADMINPASSWORD=ayumi---------;boss password
SENDTIME=125---------------------;Frequency of server updating in
miliseconds.For LANS please try lower values. minimum 30
REGISTER=0------------------------;Register host to main server list.
0=no, 1=yes
MINQUALIFYLAPS=0----------------;minimum laps to do for qualify
(0=always qualify)
Please post your questions (if you have any) and we'll try to answer
as fast as we can. (and if we can of course hehehe)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Aristotelis "Aris" Vasilakos
Physics testing for netKar
Moderator netkar forum
Drivingitalia.net crew