: has anyone seen this? I was running under yellow in Vancouver, following
: the pace car into a turn. all of a sudden BOOM! my car hits the wall, then
: the opposite wall and I'm like in front of the pace car in a split second.
: I was travelling like 40mph before it happened. The same thing happened at
: Michigan a while ago, racing into the turn my car suddenly warps into the
: wall and there's disaster all over the place. I saved the vancouver one
: though.
You have been graced by what is now known as the "HOG" (Hand of God bug).
Thanks to many people sending in replays where the HOG struck, Papyrus
finally found the culprits and removed it from NASCAR2 (and maybe the
latest version of Hawaii). However, it still exists in ICR2 & NASCAR
(was it ever present in ICR1?).
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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