I'll jump in here. IMS absolutely has the rights to the "likeness" of
their track. It's called "Tradedress". The main factor in
determining this is, could some mistake the work as representing the
property. In other words, If I started a burger chain, called it
"McClellans" and had the arch's reversed, you bet your you know what
I'd get a letter the next day from McDonald's attorney's stating I
must stop using that logo or find myself in court. Same with making
an identical IMS and calling it "Indiana". Just won't work. But,
your welcome to try it :). Just have the money handy for the lawyers
you'll need.
The important thing to remember here is that if the property doesn't
protect their mark and rights, then they can actually "lose" them. If
I make a track like that, IMS doesn't do anything about it, then they
don't have much legal room when the next guy makes a copy and sells it
for a ton of money.
Adam Levesque
General Manager - Papyrus
>[some thoughtful comments snipped throughout for brevity]
>>Okay, I am going to try and state my case one more time. First of all for
>>your saying that Indianapolis has " intellectual rights" to the likeness
>>of it's track. Wrong answer - Copyrights pertain to works of art and
>>literature, not real estate. Indianapolis has trademarks.- their logos and
>>emblems are protected by law, anything else is not. If one wants to buy a
>>piece of property and make a replica of Indianapolis they can. The thing
>>that they cannot do is use the name, logos, or emblems that belong to
>It's not clear to me exactly what property rights IMSC licensed to Papyrus,
>since I don't have access to their license agreement. I believe that IMS
>could very well make the case that their speedway is the expression of an
>idea, and if somewhat creates an exact likeness of it, then they have
>violated a copyright. I don't know that this has been tested in court, but
>I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a subpoena if they
>decided to test it. And as you mentioned, there are trademarks and logos
>that were licensed in the deal.
>>1) The purpose and character of the use, including whether it is of a
>>non-profit, educational or of a commercial value. If one gives someone a
>>copy of these files it is a nonprofit and a non commercial nature.
>It's been awhile since I reviewed the "fair use" statutes, but I'm pretty
>sure that the current court interpretation is much narrower than the
>statute appears to read. In particular, the court has narrowed the fair use
>of copyright materials for educational uses, and also use by the press.
>Audio and video clips are typically limited to 15 seconds, and written
>excerpts restricted to a single paragraph.
>>2) The amount and importance of the material in relation to the work as a
>>whole. These are just a few files in relation to the program as a whole.
>The IMS track was sold as a separate track pack, which also included a
>paint kit. I would think it would be relatively easy for Papyrus to make
>the case that the IMS track itself represented the majority of value of the
>>3) The nature of the copyrighted work. These are files that are no longer
>>of any use to Sierra.
>Yes, but they do have value to IMS, who have now licensed their rights to
>another company.
>>4)The effect of the use on the potential market or value of the
>>copyrighted work. Their is no potential market, because Sierra no longer
>>sells this product. The copyrighted work also has no value, because they
>>can no longer sell this product.
>Again, the value is not so much to Papyrus, but to IMS, who holds the
>ultimate property rights in the product.
>Again, you have to consider that Papyrus is highly dependent on licenses in
>its business. If they give an impression of weakness in enforcing those
>licensed rights by refusing to crack down on infringement, they stand a
>good chance of losing out to someone more aggressive in that area. The
>licensing market is very hot right now, sometimes just having the right
>name on the box can double or triple sales. Imagine what would happen to
>sales if Papyrus had to release a stock car racing title without the NASCAR
>name on the box.
>Dave Sparks
>IWCCCARS Project: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
>Late Night League: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
>Hawaii Handle: davids