Maybe your car is set too low? On the bottom right part of the***pit
there's a top view of your car, does the central shaft flash yellow?
Actually for this to happen it should flash red...
There's a plank at the bottom of your car placed by the FIA so that
you don't set your car too low and don't run too fast. If you scratch
more than 1mm of it you're disqualified. In the game you are not, but
you are penalized by a loss of power. Check the ride heights in the
Advanced setup and on the performance graphs (shouldn't go down to
zero). Check 'Plank Wear' in 'Car Setup'/'Advanced'/Inspect'.
Hope this helps.
PS: I guess gradual parts wear would be great if implemented, like
for instance the front left suspension getting looser after hitting
something. What we have now it's either good or broken :(
Sincerely, Karim
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