really be 2005):
1. Use the F1-F8 keys for in-game information windows. It's pretty silly
with 2003, where the first couple of keys are used to turn on/off the
HUD, broadcast display, etc.
2. When we press Escape, give us a window and a option go to the Options
screen. There's nothing worse than having to load the track, test
graphical settings, then do it all over again. Let us be able to do
these things while on the track.
3. Speed up track loading. I realize that the tracks use higher res
textures than what's in the Papy products, but on my machine it takes a
good 20+ seconds to load tracks. One of these months I'll invest in a
3GHz machine, since a 1GHz machine obviously doesn't cut it any more.
4. In-Game car LoD. Something is terribly goofy here. The closer you
get, one see's "pop up's". Everyone knows what I'm talking about.
5. Main menu. Is it really necessary to have a rotating car and a neat
little background with "thunder"? If anything, it makes me wait a little
longer to access various menus. I'd like to see a option in some sort of
cfg file so we can turn it on/off (instead giving us just a typical menu
without flashy things).
6. Refined controller setup menu. There's waaay too many options in
there at first glance. Papy perfected, IMO, the controller setup menu.
Follow their lead. Or, have a advanced tab to fine tune controller options.
7. Career mode. Some of us would enjoy this. Keep the Championship Mode
and Quick Race (to keep the "elite" happy), but a career mode like in
the PS2 version of NT2003 would be an excellent addition, IMO (And,
might I add, it will exist). Might I suggest that since this is being
done, please extend it past 20 years? Since we're using computers,
surely it shouldn't be a problem.
8. AI. This is being worked on. Can't wait to play with "smarter", and
the love/hate intricacy between the player and AI.
9. This kind of ties in with #8: I'd like to see AI who abide by the
same set of physics rules that we players have. Nothing irks me more
than seeing an AI do something that I can't do.
10. Better physics. Perhaps I've been playing those Papy NASCAR titles
for too long, but I found the physics in 2003 kinda weird. I can't quite
place my finger on why. I hope it's getting sorted out in the upcoming
11. The long shot (aka, not going to happen any time soon): Multiplayer.
I wanna see the dev's, in a future release, find a way to make this
better. Papy spoiled us with full fields. Until you're able to get on
par with 'em, you're not going to bestill our hearts.
12. Finishing the race. When the race is over, why does the game insist
on taking control of my car? Once the checkered flag has dropped, I want
to be able to drive my car back onto pit lane. Or play around a bit in
the infield.
13. Winning the race. It would be great that when the player wins a
race, we're able to pull into victory lane. Once all four tires are on
the surface, there could be a little post-race victory in NT2003 on the PS2.
Finally, my dream in a NASCAR sim:
We have to pull into our designated garage to get to the garage menu
screen. When we're done fiddling with our setup, we have to pull out of
the garage and out of the infield area and onto pit lane. It's not
really needed, but the coolness factor would be raised.
Heaven forbid anyone models an infield in a sim. *grins*
I really can't wait until 2004 comes out. It should be pretty
entertaining to play with, from what I've heard of it and seen.
Unfortunately, knowing my luck, the minimum requirements will be what I
have in my box. I predict a slide-show in my home. :)
Also, I need to commend the dev's of Thunder 2003. While the game has
it's flaws/oddness, I'm able to play it with a joystick and using the
buttons for accel and brake. Thank you for not forcing the TC and other
aids on.
Kudos to the dev's and everyone involved for trying to keep the NASCAR
series sims alive. I won't get my hopes up but I hope what you send out
the door is well above the standards of your last release.
Only time will tell.