> > With the 1997 season underway and basically a complete set of 1997 N2
> > Cars, I would like to see someone post realistic driver stat settings for
> > these cars. So many are slanted a particular way.....one set had #3 Dale
> > rated so high he was winning every race where this season he's not doing
> > so well.
> > Just if anyone has the time or patience to put together some realistic
> > numbers, it would be great to align the AI drivers close to their real
> > life performance.
> > Andrew
> Using the YADR2 program and the finishing positions of all the drivers
> in each race since 1994, I've made up a different text file for each
> track. Then i made a batch file for each track, set up to use the driver
> settings for whichever track I plan on Racing on. For example if I am
> going to race at C***te, I run c***t.bat file, which puts in my
> driver.txt file that I made up for c***te. It seems to work prety
> well.
> Aaron
All of our new updated N2 cars at PIT ROAD have realistic driver
settings now. Even though all of us here would like to have our favorite
driver be leading all the time, we still put the real settings on the
cars. We soon will have a complete 1997 carset to download that will
have all realistic driver settings. For now, you can download individual
cars and check it out to see if there is anything else you would like