At GT Insider we have a Tech Support Rep. who will answer any questions one
might have about the game or for any utility for the game. You must be
familiar with Sports Car GT and how to install cars, how to use utilites for
the game (ReadMAS is one example).
Another spot at GT Insider is a Weekly Review Writer. You will write weekly
reviews of new carsets, dashes, cars, and anything else available for Sports
Car GT. You must be familiar with Sports Car GT and the Sports Car GT
community, as well as being familiar with the add-ons available for Sports
Car GT.
At SimRacing Insider we have a Downloads Manager spot open. You will be
sent and upload the lastest files for World Sports car and F1 2000. You
must be familiar with upload/downloading through an FTP program and you must
be familiar with HTML.
If you are interested in any of these jobs, please e-mail me at
-Adam Zerlin