While we're on the topic of N3, you might know this.....
....why is there no demo?
I'm not too wellup on the Nascar genre so I'm sorry since I bet this is
asked alot but have you any idea?
GraDee (...who is off to hide unter the stairs with 50 cans of bean for the
Karting "3.65"
"The dozens and dozens........."
> We are currently in the process of selecting a new webmaster at
> www.nascar-3.com. If you're interested in this position, please contact me
> with any information which would make choosing you easier for us. Send
> Thanks!
> --
> Tony Wyss, Editor-in-Chief
> Gamers Alliance Sports
> www.ga-sports.com
> -------------------------------
> Network Developer
> Gamers Alliance, Inc.
> www.gagames.com
> -------------------------------
> "I'm not an athlete, I'm a baseball player" - John Kruk