First, it went gold on 9/3/99, and we can only assume it was sent to
manufacturing soon thereafter (same day?). Usually, when a product goes
gold, it is generally available on store shelves as soon as two weeks
later. There's currently lots of speculation about the actual on-the-
shelf-at-your-local-software-store date, and I've seen dates from 9/15,
to 10/4. I believe EBworld is listing it as 09/27, and I have a feeling
that's gonna be when we see it (although I won't mind at all if it turned
out to be 9/15 - grin).
Second, the argument about the viability of a "warmed over 5-year old
hame engine has been beaten nearly to death. We've all just recently
agreed to take a wait and see approach, so let's not start this bullshit
up again. It doesn't do anything but clutter up the newsgroup, and makes
it *** the open-wheel fans when they're trying to speculate, whine,
moan and complain about GP3, or the evils of "chase" mode in GPL. :-)
Anonymous: "When you get right down to it, there's only two rules in
life... 1) Accelerate 'til yer eyes bleed, and 2) Turn left."
Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (370+ cars and counting)
Internet Grand Prix Series Season 2
North American Stockcar Racing Online Competition
Super X Philes
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