: This has to be the BIGGEST ripoff of NFS-SE. Thinking it would
: actually be dark and you'd be dealing with headlights and disappearing
: dropoffs on those mountain roads, they put an orange-ish tint over the
I have the Playstation edition (I have a Mac (and yes I like it) and of
course they make it for everything CD-rom except Macs) and it includes
this feature (just regular NFS, the other is not availuble except PC). I
don't like the nighttime one cause you cannot see the track and they do
not give you headlights either (like who would race at night without
headlights?). At dawn is when they do that really wierd orange-ish tint
(which only serves to make the sky look wierd).
: normal screens. NFS-SE was a huge disappointment. The two new
: tracks aren't up to par with the original tracks as they look like
Curious, what two new tracks are these anyways?
: their designs are afterthought and thrown together compared to gems
: like the alpine, coastal or vertigo runs. Nice snowjob EA. Selling
: the same game twice...you're better than Microsoft.
Couldn't really tell what the difference was from the boxes anyways (The
SE version just has a prettier box it seems).
Lover of all that is Lamborghini, Defender of Porsches:
|\ _,,,---,,_ Tigress
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'---''(_/--' `-'\_) Cat drawn by Felix Lee