Hi all,
Us Brisbane-ites well know the inconvenience in living in a GMT+10 zone.
Every race of the year except two requires us to stay up past midnight to
see, on a Sunday night with a work day following. This has several
implications 1) We tend to be solitary in our F1 watching, ( can't go to
friends places to watch a race for a F1 day etc), 2) We occasional miss a
race !
Well there I was, feeling tied at 10pm and waiting for the Canadian GP to
come on at 12pm, ( not even live this time - in fact a day late, and they
STILL put it on at midnight ). I though I'd lie down on the lounge while I
waited. Well ... you guessed it ... I fell asleep and missed the whole darn
thing . AAARRRHHHHHHH ! :-(
Therefore ... Has anyone in Brisbane ( Australia that is, not the USA ),
recorded the race and wouldn't mind me making a copy ? It would be much
Phillip McNelley