Hi Racing Fans,
Well I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who works for
a distributor and he says that they have GP2 but they are not
aloud to ship until....get this.... July 30!!! What the hell is going
on?? I already have GP2 on pre-order (since Aug last year) at
SH-Microprose but will buy it if it takes too long to get here. My
guess for the date is that Microprose wants all the people who
pre-ordered GP2, to get it before the stores. This is the only
excuse that I see. Same probably goes for the USA but they're
release date is the July 23. I have heard some people ordering
from the UK. Darn!!! I should have got it from one of the guys from
work in our UK branch. Wait...wait....wait.....I guess I'll practice ICR2
till it gets here.