A story about my friend, Greg Moore

Rory S. Brow

A story about my friend, Greg Moore

by Rory S. Brow » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Greg was a really good guy.  Let me tell you about my friend, Greg.  I first
met Greg when I recieved my first Hyper Stimulator a couple of years ago.  I
was able to talk to him by phone at his dad's car dealership and asked him
if he wouldn't mind coming over to my home and try this thing called the
Hyper Stimulator because, I was thinking of becoming the Canadian
Distributor.  He said no problem but couldn't make it for a couple of weeks
later due to his schedule.  He eventually came over about a month later.  He
spent 2 hours in my home with me and my mom.  Greg enjoyed the time and
thanked me for inviting him.  Can you imagine, Greg Moore thanked me?  No,
thank you for coming Greg!  Eventually, I was fortunate enought to sell the
Players Racing Team some Hyper Stimulator for thier promotional tours and
met Greg again in through that promotion and raced with him in the Hyper
Stimulator.  This year at the Molson Indy Vancouver I talked to Greg again.
I was in the Players Racing Teams corporate pit suite for the race.  About
an hour or so before the race Greg came up to sign autographs in the
corporate suite.  I asked Greg if he remembered my Mom because she was in
the hospital for an operation for an annerism in her brain.  He said that he
definitely remembered her and was genuinely concerned that she would be
alright and signed his promotional materials wishing her a get well soon
autograph.  I will never forget you Greg!  Greg was a great ambassador for
Autoracing, Canada, the province of British Columbia, the City of Vancouver,
and his home town of Maple Ridge, British Columbia.  I have alot of respect
for how Greg refused to live anywhere else when many of the other drivers
move away from thier home towns.  God Bless You Greg!

Rory S. Brown

The Canadian Hyper Stimulator Distributor
"The World's Best Racing Car Simulators!"

Home Designed Computers by Rory
"Custom V8 Computers for all your needs!"

Unit 7 - 9947 - 151Street
Surrey, BC Canada V3R 9A1
Phone 604-671-5997 or 604-585-7775
Fax 604-930-9983

Supplier of V8 Computers and Hyper Stimulators to:
The Players Racing Simulator Challenge Tour &
The Kool Racing Challenge Tour
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