I touched up my doorstop-story with some photos.
You can find the pedal-upgrade on my webpage.
My experience so far:
Since I use a reproducive way to calibrate (not so trivial with a flexible dead
end), there was no recalibration needed. The tire-lock stays nicely with the
same break-pressure.
I'm still not faster with this upgrade, but this is due to my earlier
break-help-on. Still fighting against the friction circle.
Using the doorstop the material costs have increased from US$ 1,95 to US$ 2,35.
But since there are 4 pieces in the package, costs are down again to US$ 2,05,
if you can find 3 guys doing the same upgrade ;-)
Happy tire-squealing
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Radio controlled airplanes
Racing simulation, esp. GPL
Classic cars, esp. Morris Minor