> Has anyone tried playing Nascar 2 over the new *** network called
> heat? Heat is being developed by Sega and I have read some good
> things about it. It can be found at www.heat.net. I havent
> downloaded yet and tried it out but I am sure I will.
> Greg Alexander
I've tried it and the performance is no better than Kahn (which means
it's pretty bad IMHO). The HEAT site is so littered with "eye candy"
and commercials that it takes forever to load it, and they don't seem
to cache anything. Seriously, it took over 7 minutes just to get to the
N2 lobby (I timed it just now, on a decent 28.8 connection), which is
where you launch the game. HEAT doesn't do anything any better than
Kali or Kahn, it just takes longer. The degree of warping is just as
high. I'm sure it's fine for shooters like Duke Nukem, but it's
unacceptable for racing. Your results may vary!
===--- Patrick O'Neal (PatrickO on Hawaii) ---===
===------- Shamrock Racing Enterprises -------===
===-- (Remove NOSPAM from my reply address) --===