I'm trying out the n2002 patch, running offline at pocono. opengl
framerates seem good. AI is scaled way back so I get pole and drive away.
20 laps in I catch the tail of the pack and start lapping a couple of cars.
AT THAT POINT my wife needs me...stupid cus that I am I pause the sim and
head up stairs..1 freakin hour later I get back and unpause the sim...and
immeadiately pile drive a lapped car. 1st yellow...
pit first but repairs slow me down and I come out in 5th...On the restart I
lose one posistion and then swing just wide in turn 3. An AI car drives for
the opening and we touch...I save my car but the AI bangs into a couple more
cars and yellow returns...I start noticing the screen hiccupping. nobody
pits under this yellow and we resume. on the long pond straight, somebody
behind us wrecks and we go right back to yellow...the screen hiccups are
still there and the hard drive light is flickering like mad. Exiting turn
3 I'm behind a almost all the leaders as they have bunched up, I drive for
apex get what appears to be a good launch for the straight...I figure I can
pick up several posistions racing back to the line...but I get another
hiccup and my car lurches into the pack...after watching the hood get peeled
back and shoved in my face I quit in disgust...all because I chose answer my
wife instead of the proper course of action which would have been to IGNORE
her til AFTER I finished the 50 lap event.