> >>Except that most teams now use a Jehrico transmission, where a clutch is
> >>not necessary for shifting. The gears simply fall into place.
> Depends what model you purchased.. I bought one a couple of years ago
> for drag racing.. Costs 2500!! That's w/o the clutch assembly and
> bellhousing!!
> >The clutch is never *needed* for shifting the Jehrico or Richmond
> >transmissions, nor is it *needed* to shift your street car. (Except
> >shifting into first from a dead stop.)
> Again, depends what version of the transmission.. They are derived
> from the T-10 .. FORD
> >The only purpose the clutch serves is to take up slight mismatches in
> >RPM between the mainshaft and layshaft in the transmission. The reason
> >it's easier on the Jehrico is that the dog gears are more widely
> >spaced and are tolerant of a little more mismatch without rejecting
> >the gear change and/or breaking.
> Which you mean.. "sliders"..
> >If you do it right, you can shift a street car without the clutch...
> I have .. on a T-5 and T-56
downshifts, upshifts are easier in general, but downshifts "fall right
into place" if I match the revs right. Since I match revs when I
downshift anyway, whether I use the clutch or not, I can usually get 'em
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a computer...'"