I have 56k modem so I wanted if it was worth the 104MB download.
I have 56k modem so I wanted if it was worth the 104MB download.
I have the full game and it's not bad. Nothing special. Pure arcade action
with some good old fashioned cheating AI.Not worth a 104MB download though.
No chance. Wait for a magazine demo.
it's 100% arcade.
I am not a narrowminded "Must be a sim to be fun" person like some people
here, but the sheer arcadiness of this title made it kinda boring for me.
The graphics are ok, but nothing amazing, too much "sky info". ridiculous
Nitro blasts, silly physics, etc.
It'll be a bargain bin title before you know it, wait until then and get it
for 5$
> > Anyone try the Offroad demo?
> >
> > I have 56k modem so I wanted if it was worth the 104MB download.
> it's 100% arcade.
> I am not a narrowminded "Must be a sim to be fun" person like some people
> here, but the sheer arcadiness of this title made it kinda boring for me.
> The graphics are ok, but nothing amazing, too much "sky info". ridiculous
> Nitro blasts, silly physics, etc.
> It'll be a bargain bin title before you know it, wait until then and get
> for 5$
> ~dx