government, we have this:
"The NRC has determined that if the agency were to address Y2K issues
affecting plant operability within the existing regulatory framework and
procedures, continued safe operation of the facility could be
unnecessarily adversely impacted, thereby potentially resulting in
adverse impact on public health and safety by forcing an unnecessary
plant shutdown. NRC approval for relief from a technical specification
or license condition under current practices for notification of
enforcement discretion would be too cumbersome and unworkable iven the
desire for prompt action if the licensee determines that continued safe
plant operation is possible."
There are 108 nuclear power plants in the US. None are beyond the first
stage (10%) of remediation (inventory of problems).
The NRC has mandated the automatic shutdown of any plant which does not
PROVE compliance by 6/1/99. That is 6 months before the actual rollover
date. Why 6 months? Because it takes 6 months for core materials to
safely cool (requiring electrical power). So if a plant can't prove
compliance in time to have our power grid up an minimum of the 6 months
required, then it's too risky.
Read the above snippet. The NRC realizes it's too late for nukes to make
the laughable 6/1/99 deadline, so they have decided that the personal
safety of nearby residents of these plants isn't as important producing
electrical power. The NRC will drop the "existing regulatory framework"
of safety guidelines so they can keep the power on.
This is an outrage. Yet the public will know nothing about this
incredible breach of responsiblity until the inevitable happens.
First, the Dept. of Defense TWICE falsifies Y2K compliance certificates
for our nuclear warhead and missiles. And now this.
We are not talking about a welfare program or save-the-whales cause.
Go ahead and believe Koskinen when he says the basic infrastructure will
hold. And that we are 'on-track' - "it's the other countries that are
behind". Don't prepare and stay in the city. Everything will be all
right in the end.