For all I care people can call it Mooseport. Just as long as they know
where it is and what its used for.
>>OTOH, it really isn't worth getting your knickers in a knot over,
>>is it? Either way you say it, no one is going to mistake it for
>>some other track. I get continually confused between RA (Road
>>America) and RA (Road Atlanta), for example, and it doesn't matter
>>if you say "RA" or "Road A". <g>
>>I'm voting for one of those tracks to suffer a name change.
> Yea, and in the UK Liecester is pronounced "lester" and not
> lie-chester. Most people say Mos-port and not Mo-sport regardless
> of it's origin.
I pronounce it "ipsituckee"...
"A voice from the crowd: Right, everyone out of my garden. I've had
enough of this!"
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>>You've done a survey have you? Most of the people -- that I know
>>-- say "Mo-sport". Obviously, we hang with different crowds. <VBG>
> The difference being I also lived not far from Mosport and
> everyone that lives in that area pronounces it as Mos-port. When
> in Rome do as the Romans do, and all that. You and your friends
> are obviously out of the loop and clueless.
I once went to a meeting of the "Flat Earth Society". Interesting
group! If you're interested, everyone in the room professed to
believe that the earth was flat. Using your arguement, since everyone
in the area believed that, that would mean that the rest of the world
was "out of the loop and clueless".
I think we ought to ask the Chinese how *they* pronounce it. There
are, after all, way more of them than there are of us (assuming you
and I and all your friends in the Mosport area are not of Chinese
ancestry). They may not live in the neighbourhood, but they've got
the raw numbers if it ever came down to a vote.
Or we could poll the Italians and ask them how a Roman would
pronounce it. <VBG>
As I said before, it makes *so* little difference in the real world
-- where you and I are are *obviously* not living at the moment.